
471 10 4

Son hyejoo as kim chaemi


Jaehee was excited, no she was jumping for joy. Her sister, Chaemi, was coming over to hang out with her today, and she couldn't be happier. They hadn't seen eachother in ages, and she honestly missed her.

She had told the rest of the boys to leave them, and not bother to come to her room unless one of them screams. When she heard the doorbell ring, she was practically jumping on the couch, shouting "She's here! She's here!!". The boys had to practically hold her down, so she could stop jumping.

"We know she's here. You don't have to scream in our ears." Xiumin scowled, obviously melting at her cuteness. She stuck her tounge out to him, and ran to the door, nearly flinging it open.

"Chaemi!" She shouted in glee, looking down at her younger sister. "Eonnie!" They leaped into each others arms, jumping up and down. The boys awwed at the sight, slowly melting on the spot.

Junmyeon and Chanyeol got up their seats to greet Chaemi, followed by the others. They were all just as excited to see her. They hadn't seen her in a while, and they did miss her too.

"Hey Chae!" Chaemi stopped leaping around with JaeHee, looking up at the boys with a big smile. "Annyeong! It's good to see you oppa's!" The boys cooed lovingly, happy to see her.

Jaehee smiled. She was glad to have her there, as she hadn't seen anyone from her family in person in ages. It was nice to have the mood lifted, and see everyone smiling again, without worrying about the fans.

She stood next to her sister, and spent the rest of the day hanging out with her, the boys joining in after.


I had better ideas before, but like they just didn't go how I wanted,  and so now the chapter is shorter than before. I'm really sorry. I promise to bring out something longer next time. I promise.

《Not Proofread》

Thanks for reading!



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