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JaeHee was alone at the dorms that day, bored out her mind as could no longer promote with the group. She tried to forget about it that, and put it at the back of her head, while she bakes some cookies to distract herself.

She had put in the oven, before hearing the doorbell ring. The boys couldn't be home yet, as they are literally live right now. Maybe it's her manager? Wiping her dirty hands, she makes her way to the door.

Only to open the door to a suprise.

"Mark?" She said in full suprise, shocked to see him. "Hey Jae. I had a free schedule, so I thought I'd come over and hang out, since your probably bored at your mind." She nods in agreement, still weirded out by seeing him.

"Yeah, sure. Come in." She lets him in, not thinking too much of it. "What chu doin?" He says in English, causing her to chuckle. The two usually speak English to each other, as it is easier and less awkward for them.

"Nothin. Just baking some cookies." She says, walking over to the messy counter. She grabs some objects to help tidy the table, as it was a mess. "Want some help?" She looks over to Mark with a smile.

Nodding her head, he rolls up the sleeves of his sweatshirt, making his way to her. He grabs some stuff as well from the cupboard, and starts to scrub, suddenly going silent.

"So, I saw your interview. It was really weird for you, wasn't it?" She shakes her head, saying 'no' to him. "It was actually felt really nice leaving the house. It felt so stuffy." He hums a yes, and doesn't say anything after.

JaeHee eyes him questionably, before continuing to clean the counter. "So...how are the boys?" He looks up to her with a blank gaze, before nodding. "Their fine. They miss you, y'know?" She giggles, smiling at the thought of all of them missing her.

"Tell them I miss them too." He nods, before looking away. She furrows her eyebrows, completely confused. Did she do something wrong? She opens her mouth to ask what's wrong when he beat her to it.

"Jae..." She looks up at him, curious at what he had to say. "Um...I didn't only come to hang out...I wanted to-...um, tell you something." She nods at him hesitantly, signaling him to continue.

"H-How long have we been friends for?" She looks up at him, weirded out by his strange behaviour. "Uh, 2 years? Why?" He looks at her, confidence building up in him.

"Two years...for two years I've been friends with such an amazing person." JaeHee blushes at his sudden statement, not sure where he was taking this.

"Jae, I-...I really really really like you. Like, a lot. I have since forever, and I wanted you to know. I know it's like, way too early to say this to you, as you just broke up with Baekhyun hyung a few weeks ago, but...I couldn't keep it in any longer.

Even if you don't like me back, please just know that you're an amazing girl, and I love you so much. All of us do. And even if we won't be together, I hope to still be your best friend and stay by your side forever." He confesses, before looking away from her gaze, fiddling with the scrub.

She couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth, and she was honestly shocked. "Mark..." She starts, biting her lip as she tries to find the right words.

"I...I don't know what to say. Um, let me think about it, ok? I promise to answer you back." She says sincerely, trying to look at his eyes. He nods, looking at her back with a soft smile.

As they finish cleaning up, JaeHee decided that they should watch a movie together, while they wait for the cookies. They watch the movie, while eating the baked cookies, and enjoy the rest of the movie, while falling asleep on eachothers arms.


I hope I'm not the only one who was busting out uwu's all over the place, because this was adorable! I'll see y'all later!



- 𝐊𝐈𝐌 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐇𝐄𝐄Where stories live. Discover now