Sweet Kiss

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(Play the song from the beginning. It sets the mood, I guess?)

Mark and JaeHee were currently at the rooftop where they had their first date. It had somehow become their own safe haven from everyone to just relax and chill, getting away from everyone.

They were just talking about random things, while JaeHee was in Mark's embrace, her head on his shoulder. "Have you called your mom yet?" JaeHee shakes her head, pouting a little. "I barely ever have time to talk to her, lately. I've so busy with promotions and everything...The last time I talked to her was only like what, two minutes or something?" "Well, at least you still talk to them and stuff." JaeHee nods, agreeing with him.

"What about you, have you talked to your parents?" Mark nods, causing JaeHee to smile a little. She snuggled into his side a little more, wanting to feel more of his warmth. "You cold?" She shakes her head, mumbling a no. "I just like how warm you are..." He snorts, trying to hide his smile. "Weirdo." She laughs, pushing him slightly in a playful manner.

They stayed quiet for a little, just looking outside onto the city lights. "Jae?" She turned her head to look towards him, smiling at him. "Hmm?" He looks into her eyes and smiles once more. "Your so pretty..." JaeHee blushes, chuckling a little. "What's up with you tonight? Your never this soft." He holds her chin and looks at her once more. "I'm only soft for you." JaeHee bites her bottom lip, looking up to him.

She then makes eye contact with his lips. He sees what she's doing and can't help but do the same. Before they knew it, they were both leaning into each other, until their lips met. Their lips moved with each other in sync, gently holding each other's hands, squeezing them slightly.

JaeHee and him part their lips from each other's only to stare into one another's eyes. Smiling, JaeHee blushes a little. They both hold on onto their hands tighter, snuggling closer to each other, both of them smiling like pure idiots.

"Jae?" She looks towards him, patiently waiting for him. He smiles once more "I love you." JaeHee blinks, smiling even more, if that was even possible. "Really?" Mark nods, now holding her chin softly. Giggling, she puts her head back on his shoulder.

"I love you too..."


Ahhh, this was so damn weird to write. But, at the same time it was cute right? Ugh, I don't know. Sorry it's weird and stuff, and also really short, but please understand that I can't really write this as well as I want to. Anyway,

See ya later y'all.


- 𝐊𝐈𝐌 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐇𝐄𝐄Where stories live. Discover now