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"Where the heck is it?!"

JaeHee was currently running around the apartment looking gor her second shoe that she was meant to wear on her date. She had accepted Mark's proposal to take her out on a date last week, and she still could feel the butterflies everytime she thought about it.

Though, right now, she felt like ripping her head off, because she couldn't find a shoe. She was probably going to feel dumb about this later on, as she could've just gotten different ones.

But as of right now, she wasn't thinking straight. Her nerves were all over the place, and she was really worried. For a flipping shoe. Though, while she was having what we call, a mental breakdown, the boys were all confused on why their female member was running round the house like a mad woman.

The thing is, while the boys had been promoting for their song ko ko bop, they never got the time to stay home and talk to JaeHee, and when they got home, they were too tired to even talk to her, not noticing how her aura of excitement died down, as she realised they didn't want to talk.

This also caused what to happen now. They had been so busy, JaeHee couldn't tell the boys about the whole Mark situation. So now, they didn't know that one of their close friends was going on a date with their baby.

"Ah ha! Found you, you sneaky shoe~" She smirked, before sliding the shoe onto her exposed foot, causing the boys to chuckle and smile, loving that she was still as weird as ever. "Um...J-Jae? What are you doing?" Chanyeol asked, holding back a small chuckle, which he surprisingly worked.

She looked up to the boys who were standing at the doorway, waiting curiously but patiently for her answer. "Oh-" She had completely forgotten. For the first time ever...

JaeHee hadn't told the boys something important to her.

She bit her lip anxiously, chuckling slightly, not even trying to hide the nervousness in her tone of voice. "I-um, well, you see..." She trailed off, her voice going quiet. The boys looked at her with sceptical gazes.

That was enough for her to break.

"Fudging muffin balls...ok, well I know I didn't tell you, so I hope you don't get mad, but...I'm going on a date with someone..." For a moment the room was silent. For a moment.

"What? Your going on date with someone?" Jaehee grimaced. She was hoping that it wouldn't turn this direction, but in the back of her mind, it would've either way.

"I, um....well, yeah? You guys haven't been around to talk to, and when you are, you're too tired to talk to me..." The boys held their breath at her last sentence. They didn't want to admit it, but they knew it was true. They felt so bad about it, and they really didn't mean too hurt her feelings.

"Jae...we're sorry. We didn't mean for you to think we didn't wanna talk to yo-" Sehun started carefully, but was soon cut off by JaeHee. "-But that's what you made me think! Even just hello from you guys isn't normal. Even a cuddle, you're always too god damn tired!" She sighed while putting her hands up to her forehead.

The boys looked hurt, but they knew that they deserved that. JaeHee looked back at all of them once more with sad eyes, before grabbing her jacket, and leaving.

Great. She thought. Now her members aren't in good terms anymore.


As JaeHee was rushing down the stairs, she couldn't help but look at her phone to check the time, over and over again. While she was looking at her phone, while running, when she bumped into someones chest.

"Oof!" She fell to the ground, and her cheeks grew a great shade of red. Could she be more clumsy? "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-, I wasn't looking where i was going!" The man chuckled, before grabbing him and her up.

"Sorry, I- Mark?" She was in such a messy situation with herself, that she didn't really realise she didn't have her mask on, or that she shouldn't even be talking to anyone in the first place.

"Hey. You okay? I came to check on you because you didn't seem to answer my calls." She mumbled a sorry, saying she was talking to the boys.

"You okay? You seem a bit down." Sge hummed a no, smiling at him sweetly. "I'm fine. Now, where's this place you won't tell me about?" He smiled, before reaching for her hand, his eyes looking to hers, as though he was asking her.

She happily grabbed his hand, letting him lead the way. He pulled up his mask, putting on his hat, while JaeHee copied his actions. They walk down the streets, and they were lucky enough to not be recognised.

When they finally reached the place, JaeHee couldn't help but be in great awe. They were at the top of a rooftop that was overlooking the street of Seoul. The cars that were busy getting to places were zooming past, making different colours go past them as they zoom past.

It was beautiful.

"Mark...This palce is amazing!" He chuckled, his grip on her hand squeezing slightly. "Thank you..." He muttered, looking back at her sincerely. They walked to the edge, and looked at the view at a closer look.

"How'd you find this place?" He shrugs "It was when I was a trainee, and I was having a tough time. My friend told me about this place, and well I guess I always come here now every time I'm having a hard time, or just want to relax..."

JaeHee couldn't but blank out and admire his face. He was really handsome if she had to say so herself. "Jae?" She looks back up at him, before giggling. "Sorry. Guess I spaced out." He smiles before he moved closer to her.

They had a really good time together, and it was safe to say that JaeHee would definitely like to go on another date with him.


Hi everyone~

I'm a bit better than before, and now I am able to continue with the story. Thank you all for sticking around. It means the world to me.

Ok, bye~


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