~Girls Day~

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JaeHee was currently at Yerim's dorm with Chaeyoung, as she wanted to hand out with them, and she had to confide them in what was happening between her and mark.

They were all sitting on the couch, including the other members of red velvet, and were all just talking about life and what not when JaeHee decided to bring it up.

"Um, so like...talking about what's happening in our lives, well, Mark came to my dorm last week, and um, he told me he...liked me?" The girls all looked up to me with shocked expressions.

"Wait! You mean...our Mark?" Chaeyoung asked, eyebrows raised so high. "Mmhm, that Mark." The girls look down to the floor, their mouths open slightly.

"Wow...I didn't think he'd actually tell you." JaeHee widens her eyes at Yerim's statement. "You knew?!" She looks up at JaeHee with a guilty expression, chuckling slightly.

"Me and Chaeyoung eonnie did." Chaeyoung looks at Yerim with a scowl. "Yah! Why did you have to expose me!" The girls start to bicker before JaeHee intervened between the two.

"Calm down! Now, how'd did you two know he had feelings for me?" JaeHee said the word feelings in a hushed manner, still not used to the word. "Well, remember the time we went to that café to hang out, and we were playing this questionnaire game?

Well, when you went to the bathroom, we asked Mark why he was looking at you so much that day. He got all fidgety and just spilled the truth, and let me tell you, it was so cute, eonnie!"
JaeHee blushed a little, feeling a little shy at the thought of being liked by someone. "So, what'd you say?" She looks up to sooyoung eonnie looks up to me with curiosity. "Um, I said I'd think about it..." The girls giggled before looking back at me.

"Your blushing, Jae Jae." JaeHee gasped before bringing her hands to her face, feeling the warmth on her face. "Awww!" The girls cooed, causing JaeHee to blush more to the extent that she bent her head down to hide her red face.

"So, what are you gonna say?" She bites her lip, before muttering shyly, "I, um...I'm gonna tell him yes..." The girls jumped excitedly, teasing the now blushing JaeHee and cooing in aww.

"So are you gonna tell him now?" She looks at Chaeyoung wide-eyed, obviously shocked at her words. "Wh-What?! N-No! I'll do it later!" The girls look at her suspiciously before dropping the subject, obviously feeling bad for making her uncomfortable.

For the rest of their time together, they just talked and chatted, obviously wanting to catch up.


I'm honestly so tired. Of me, of everyone and everything. I'm just tired and unhappy, but I hated the thought of leaving you guys on a hang like this, so I decided to make this short chapter, and get it over with.

Thank you all for reading.



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