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JaeHee was having a vlive, and she wanted to do it on her own, but of course, her plans would later on be ruined as usual. "Annyeonghaseyo, Exo-ls!" She was excited to see the exo-l's, for they hadn't had a comeback in ages, and her and the members were getting pretty bored at the dorms.

She saw one comment and read it out loud. "Eonnie, when are you and the others having a comeback?" She chuckled as she shrugs her shoulders. She was playing with Charlie while she was watching the comments on the vlive.

Then, her door to her room swung. "Oh boy..." she muttered, reminding herself mentally to lock the door next time. "What is it oppa?" She looked at Suho with a blank stare, clearly annoyed.

"Dinner is ready-...are you doing a vlive? GUYS! JAEHEE IS DOING A VLIVE!" She rolled her eyes, looking at the screen of her phone. "Well...I guess the members will be joining." Grabbing Charlie by the bottom of het stomach, she left her room to go to the dining area.

"Guys, say hello to them!" I turn my phone camera to show the guys who were running over. "Annyeong, exo-l's!" They all said in unison, causing her to chuckle.

"Yah! Chen oppa! Give me my phone!" He stuck his tounge out at her, smirking evily. "Nope~" He holds the phone up high and continues talking to the exo-l's, the other members butting In once in awhile.

"Yah! Oppa! They took my phone!" I wailed, trying to get my phone back, the others laughing because of how short I am.

"Give me my phone!" I try jumping at them, but they keep pushing me away. "C'mon! The fans can't see us!" They stopped for a moment before, chen brought his hand down and gave me my phone.

"See?! I told you they bully me!" The comments show cute emoji pictures and laughing emojis, causing me to pout. Minseok oppa ruffles my hair, causing me to scowl at him.

"I hate you all. It's not even funny!" I pout, causing all of them to laugh and coo at me. I roll my eyes and set my phone on the table. We all eat and have a good time together.

Baekhyun read out a comment, while JaeHee stuffed her face with food. "JaeHee, when do you hang out with your friends?" She lifts her head up, and looks at the screen intensely. "Now that I think about it...I haven't seen my friends in months.

Yeri is having a comeback and Rosé is getting ready for her up coming comeback. Mark and I have talked, but not frequently.

Maybe we should all hang out as group sooner. I need to get away from these dorks anyway." She got a light smack on the head from Junmyeon, wincing as she rubs her head with a scowl.

The vlive went on for about two hours until she ended it, for she was tired, and wanted a cuddle with Kai.

"Annyeong, exo-l's! We'll see you soon~" she ended the live and went to the couch to snuggle next to Kai.

They both talked for a while, until she fell asleep on his shoulder. Him doing the same to her.

It was crazy living with these gigantic children. But she wouldn't change it for the world.


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