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A/N: I know I said that I would put the story on hold, but I didn't write this. One of my friends did. Thanks again, Sanya~.



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JaeHee had gotten out of her car, pulling onto her mask and hat nervously. She didn't like being out here alone, as she never knows where dispatch might just be. She clung onto the jacket she wore over her body, looking around nervously.

"Babe!" JaeHee looked over to where the sound came from, and sighed in relief when she saw that it was just Mark. "Mark~, What took you so long? I was getting worried." Mark chuckled at the girl, giving her a small peck on the lips.

"Sorry, the guys wouldn't leave me alone, and so I was running late." She giggled a little, looking down to the ground. That does sound something they would do. "Ready?" She nodded, holding onto his hand.

They had decided yesterday to go out on a date, as they wanted to go somewhere elsewhere than be at their dorms. "Y'know, we should have asked Yerim to come along. She must be bored too." Mark shook his head, pouting a little. "Then I wouldn't have you all too myself." She laughed, looking at him as though he was being ridiculous, which he was.

"Oh come on Mark, you always have me too yourself~." "Exactly!" JaeHee blushed, giggling slightly. He smiled at the sight of her, while he and her walked towards their destination. "By the way, you never told me where we were going?" He hummed at her, remembering how he didn't tell her where their date was going to be.

"Oh yeah, we're going to.."

They stopped in front of what seemed to be "An arcade?!" JaeHee whisper shouted, causing Mark to laugh, replying with a sweet yes. "Mark...You remembered?" Just a few days ago, JaeHee had told Mark about she wanted to go to an arcade, as it had been years since she had last been to one.

"Mhmm~" JaeHee jumped onto him, mumbling a thousand thank you's into his ear. "You're welcome my love." She blushed at his words, leaving a sweet kiss onto his lips. He put her down, holding onto the petite girl tightly. "Jae?" She looked up to him, her eyes sparkling brightly.

"What?" He smiled before holding her chin gently "I love you..." She smiled, biting her bottom lip slightly.

"I love you too"


UwU, again, thanks for writing for me San. Means the world to me! I really appreciate, and your writing is amazing so don't underestimate again!

Love you~


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