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It had been an hour since my mv for my new solo song hello had come out, and to be honest, I was extremely nervous. I didn't know how everyone would react and I was afraid that no one would like it, although my manager assured me that things would be okay. I really wish the guys were here with me now, but I know that I have to did this on my own.

It was nearly time for me to go on stage, and I hadn't checked my phone yet because I was busy getting ready. I pick it up and see 50 miss calls "Holy-" I put my hand on my mouth to stop myself from cursing, some of them were from my friends and family. The others were from almost all the members. "What on earth..?" I quickly dial Junmyeon oppa's number, and he immediately awnsers.

"YAH! KIM JAEHEE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU WERE HAVING A SOLO DEBUT?!?!" I nearly dropped my phone, and I jumped in fear. "Oppa! Don't scare me like that!" He ignores me and continues to ask questions along with the other members.

"When did this happen?"

"Why were your shorts so revealing?!"

"Is this why you've been coming home late?"

"Who were those men?! And why were they touching you like that?!"

"Were you the one who took my chicken!?"

"Where are you now?"

I smile and roll my eyes. Of course they do something like this. I quickly answered they're questions before I got bombarded with more.

"1. It had been decided three months ago, and I started filming then as well. 2. Um...I don't know? 3. Yes oppa, it is why I've been home late. 4. They were just back up dancers, and we were only acting. No need to get all worked up. 5. Oops? And 6. I'm at airirang kpop, oppa." We continue talking for the last few minutes I have, and then I tell them I have to go shortly, so they all said they'll watch my live video and support me through it.

I thank them and end the call, texting all my friends about it. Sunny was freaking out, and It was adorable. She wished me luck, and hoped for the best for me, saying she'll watch the live as well, and also force her members to watch to. God, I love that girl.

After awhile, I'm called up to perform and things go smoothly as everybody wanted.

After awhile, I'm called up to perform and things go smoothly as everybody wanted

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She wore this on the stage.

I'm glad I have such sweet friends to support me through all this. Really glad.


Oof, I hope y'all enjoyed that.

Also special tribute to Kim Jonghyun. We miss you, but we know your in a better place. We all love you, and your happier up there as the Angel you are. We love you, I love you, and we hope you know that.


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