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Hi. It's me, well obviously, but hey. I really don't know how to say this?

Okay, so I was reading over this book today, as I wanted to see what I could change about it, and then I realized...I had made so many mistakes and errors, leaving so many holes inside the story and not making it make sense, some of my writing making me cringe a bit.

I then I contemplated with this for the whole entire time, and then I knew I had to change the story. I had to start it over again and do it properly. It was kind of a sudden decision, but I knew I could make this a hundred times better than before. It also doesn't help the fact the fact that I haven't updated in a while.

I hope you guys understand my decision, though I'm not going to be changing this book. I'm going to be making another one and have a completely different storyline and face claim for her. I will be changing everything, even her name.

This is going to be hard, as I have become attached to JaeHee and her fun personality within the book, but I know that some things do have to come to an end. I really hope you all understand, and thank you all for creating this amazing success my story has.

I'm not sure when the new story will be out, but I will be working on it. Thank you all and me and Kim JaeHee will see you around~

 Thank you all and me and Kim JaeHee will see you around~

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