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JaeHee was now in her room, being bored as hell. She had comeback from hanging out with Mark and the girls, and she was still really bored. "What should I do...?" She groaned then took her phone from her stand, scrolling through it. "Hmm..." She then had a crazy idea.

What if she made a YouTube account? Like...make videos?

She knew she would probably get in trouble, but what could they do? The video is already there. She giggled and ran out the room, knocking on Kyungsoo's bedroom door. "Oppa! Open up!" He told her to come in, and she found him lying down on the bed on his phone. "What is it, bunnie?" She giggled and started scampering around his room, slightly messing it up.

He cocked his eyebrows, and got off his bed, putting his hands on his waist. "Your lucky that you're my favorite member, or I would've smacked you already." She got up and giggled once more, finally finding what she came for. "My camera?" She nods, and hugs him. "Thanks oppa!" She then runs out the room, before he could say anymore.

Entering her room once more, she set up the camera somewhere safe, and with good lighting. "Okay..." She then sighed, before she turned on the camera. "Is this on? Hm, I should probably go get my glasses." She scampers from her bed, grabbing her glasses from the stand.

She then comes back, sitting down on the chair again. "Oh, it is on! Alright, hello everyone! Um, I didn't think this part through..." She giggled then looked to the camera once again. "Well, my name is Kim JaeHee, and I am going to be starting a YouTube account!" She does jazz hands, and then chuckles quietly "My members don't know I'm doing this, hehe, this is fun!" She then starts rambling on into the camera.

"Well, lets start off with how my day went! I went out with my three best friends, Mark, Chaeyoung and Yerim! We haven't hung out in ages, and I'm glad we did today! I missed them!" She then pouted playfully, then continued "Did you all also see my new album? It's called why, and it's all full of ballad songs, but I enjoyed it, cause I like slow songs! My favorite song on it is Circus! I love that song!" 

She kept talking into the camera, and then showed them around her room, later on talking about her comeback with G-idle and her red hair. She said a lot of stuff, to the point that video lasted to 10 minutes. "Next time it'll be more exciting! I promise!" She said her goodbye, and ended the video, editing it on her computer, then finally posting it.

To her surprise, the video already 200 views and 50 likes in under two minutes, then it became one thousand and more! She smiled but then she heard it "Kim JaeHee! What is this?!" She hid underneath her bed, and was laughing like crazy.

Let's just say, it was a very funny night after that.


Short chapter, but I still hope you all enjoyed it! See ya later y'all, bye!


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