Exo when JaeHee curses:

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Suho: Would smack her on the head or arm, and scolds her till she apologises.

Chen: Probably smirking because he has gained success in annoying her with another of his pranks.

D.O:  Lowers his head and apologies, until she feels guilty and says sorry over and over.

Chanyeol: Goes out to buy her food. Instant forgiveness.

Minseok: Curses back at her, until both of them start to get a bit violent, and someone has to break them up.

Kai: She never curses him out.

Sehun: Both petty, and won't talk to eachother for a day, until Jae apologies to him.

Baekhyun: Pouts, and starts to ask her what's wrong. Will cuddle her until she calms down and says sorry to him.

Lay: She would curse him out and then inwardly panic and start to say sorry, and tells him what's wrong immediately.


I'm sorry, I'm having writers block, and can't think of anything.

Lol, bye~


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