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JaeHee was currently at a fan sign for her new promoting comeback, gotta go and she was really enjoying herself. It had been a while since she last done this, and she missed her fans.

JaeHee finished talking to a fan, as they walked away, and was now talking to a different fan. "Hello! What's your name, cutie?" JaeHee was now talking to what seems to be a 6 year old boy with his mom.

"C'mon, honey. Tell her." JaeHee smiled sweetly at the little boy, who waved at her shyly. "H-Hello eonnie...I'm Yeosung." JaeHee pouted and cooed. He was so cute! "Aw. Why did you come see me?" She knew for a fact that it wasn't rare to see younger people in her fan signs, but she was curious on why he was here.

"Because your my favorite, noona!" JaeHee chuckled, seeing at his new found enthusiasm. "And why's that, sweetie?" He smiled widely, before looking back to his mom and then continuing. "Because is every time you come on stage or are just on the screen in general I'm always really happy! You make me laugh, smile and i really like you noona! Thank you!" JaeHee couldn't help but slightly tear up.

It felt so nice to hear that he was appreciating her. She chuckled before reaching for the tissue her manager gave her. Saying a thank you, she wipes her eyes slightly. "Thank you very much Yeosung." They continued talking for the short amount of time they had, before leaving.

JaeHee would never forget that little boy. Today would have to be the best day ever.

So, just a fair warning, a lot of angst will be coming your way after 3-4 more chapters.

Love you all!


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