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JaeHee was in the practice room dancing to a few songs, as she was bored at the moment, and exo wasn't having any promotions at the moment. She was also accompanied by Chanyeol, Sehun, Baekhyun and Suho (as he wanted to make sure the kids were safe).

She was just dancing to Overdose when she heard her phone ring. "It's your sister..." JaeHee nods and turns the music off, wiping her sweat off with her towel. She picked up the call and answered the call. "Hey Chae? What's up-" she stopped talking when she heard her sister crying into the phone and was breathing heavily.

"Chaemi? What's wrong?!" The members looked at her, seeming worried. "J-JaeHee..." She sobs louder into the phone, causing JaeHee to wince. She hated seeing her sister cry. "Chae...It's okay...just tell me what happened?" Her sister sons as she says the next few words that would change JaeHee's world forever.

"JaeHee...Moms gone...She had a h-heart attack yesterday and d-didn't survive it..." JaeHee paused and looked into the big mirror, her face showing full shock. Her sisters sobbing seemed to get quieter, and JaeHee could feel her arms drop, as her phone falls.

The boys rush up to her side, and ask her what's wrong. Before anyone could blink though, JaeHee had dropped to the floor and fainted, her world going black.

Her mother was gone.


JaeHee winced as she felt a sharp pain on her head. She was blinded by light above her and groaned, closing her eyes once more. She looked to her side, and saw Junmyeon asleep by her side, and her sister asleep on the chair nearby, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

She slowly got up, making Junmyeon stir in his sleep, and quickly wake up to see her. He sighs in relief and hugged her tightly. "Oh my god...you're okay!" JaeHee took in a breath, confused on what was going. "Oppa...Why am I in the hospital?" Junmyeon looked at her with sadly, his eyes looking puffy as well from crying.

"Y-You fainted..." She fainted? JaeHee couldn't recall...then it all hit her all at once. She looked at Junmyeon and started to tear up "Please tell me it was a dream...please." Suho looked away from her, not wanting to see her cry. JaeHee big her lip and started choking on her tears.

"Mom..." She started to sob into his arms, causing Suho to cry as well, hating to her cry. Chaemi woke up from the noise, and started to cry as well. "JaeHee..." JaeHee lifted her face from Suho's arms and started to cry harder once she saw her sister.

"Mom's gone...Moms really gone!" JaeHee sobbed harder as her sister ran into her arms, while the other members walk into the room, cringing at the sight. They hated this. Their member was hurt, and they couldn't do anything about it. "Lets leave them alone guys." Suho said in a low voice, walking out with his head hung down, the boys following right after.

Her mom and dad were gone. She had no one except Chaemi now. JaeHee and her we're now orphans.

Dispatch: Kim JaeHee has passed away two weeks ago from a heart attack.


I'm sorry.


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