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JaeHee was currently at an interview, as the manager and ceo felt bad for she was bored, and decided to give her one. She was sitting on a red chair and got asked the questions.

(Korean) (English)

"So, we are here with the lovely Kim JaeHee! It's nice to finally meet you"

"Yes, it's nice to meet you too."

"So, let's start with the questions! Okay, first one. How much do you enjoy being in the life of an idol?"

She looks at him knowingly before answering.

"Ah, it's good and I enjoy it sometimes, but it does get tough, but at the end of the day I have my members and my family and friends, and fans, so it gets better."

He nods before continuing.

"Alright, next question. So, your first language is english right? Well, do you ever have trouble with mixing Korean and English? And also can you answer the questions in English now?"

"Ah, loads of times. The most recent was yesterday actually. I was talking to one of my friends who couldn't speak korean, so I accidentally said a full sentence in hangul to her, and she was so confused, haha."

"Haha, that sounds funny. Alright, so the next question is that what is the most important moment in your life that has happened to you as your life as an idol?"

"Jeez, there's a lot, but if I had to say one, is when I was having a fansign for the groups comeback, monster, there was this one girl who yold me how she was really having a hard time in her life, and that how I helped her get through. It really meant a lot to me."

"Wow...that sounds amazing. Thank you for sharing that. Okay, now who is your favourite member?"

"Can I pick only one?"


"Okay, my favourite is...crap this is where it all goes wrong, cause I love all of em, but...my favourite has to be...Sehun oppa. He is like a real brother to me, and he knows what is always up with me, and when I'm down and what not."

"Aw, that's sweet."

"Thank you~"

"Alright, next question. It seems that you have postponed your comeback, why is that?"

She sighs, a smile still on her face.

"We are currently having some problems with the fandom, so we had to postpone my comeback until next month, I'm very sorry to all the exo-l's and jae-laxians who were looking forward to it."

"Ah...I'm very sorry about that. Um, well the next question is, when did you start getting into kpop?"

"Wow, this was so long ago, um...I think in 2010-ish. I was really into girls generation then."

"Haha, who wasn't? Anyway, next question. When was the last time you talked to your mom?"

"Right before the interview. I call and check up on her everyday, like I promised."

"Aww, such a good daughter. Okay, next question. What is your favourite song you've been listening to non-stop?"

"7 rings by Ariana Grande. It's really good!"

"And last question. What is a regular thing you say to yourself everyday?"

"Haha, it's really random actually. But I always say 'Damn, I'm hungry again." Hahaha, I'm sorry! It's so weird"

Everyone: *uwuing at her cuteness*




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