[Oneshot] Suspicious Partner

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"Wow! My baby is finally getting another drama!" I smile at Junmyeon oppa, extremely happy to know he's proud of me. Yesterday, my manger told me I had been asked to play the female lead in the drama 'Suspicious Partner' and everyone was extremely happy.

I'm glad as well, for I haven't had a drama in ages...I was currently on the kitchen counter with the boys, and we just got the e-mail a few minutes ago. "I'm very happy for you, bunnie~." I blush at Baekhyun oppa's remark, hiding my face behind my hands. "When do you go her your script?" I check the e-mail again, and see that I will get it by next week Wednesday.

"I'll have it by next week Wednesday. I'll also get to meet some of the other cast members as well." Jongdae ruffles my hair, making me give him a playful scowl. "Yah, won't that be a lot of work for you? You still haven't finished your promotions for your solo, and there are still a lot of interviews and actives you need to do for the next month, also adding with the fact that you now have a drama to do..." I frown at Chanyeol's words.

Now that I think about it, he's correct. That's a lot of workload for myself and I might not be able to do it. The boys give me a worries look, including Minseok, who was busy pretending he was on his phone. "Jagi, that's too much work-" I cut Baekhyun off as I give him a big smile.

"No. I can do it. It may seem like a lot of work, but I'm sure I can pull through. I mean, it was tiring when I was doing the mv, so why would it be different for this? I'll be fine guys, no need to worry." They all give eachother unsure glances, before looking at me with reluctant looks.

"Okay, but make sure not to stress yourself too much Jae. Y'know we worry about you." I nod, telling them I know, when honestly, I really wasn't sure of my own words.

I'll be alright...right?


I put my dish in the sink, making my way to the couch. I look back as I see the members laughing as they mess around with eachother. I smile tightly before looking down at my phone.

I reply to the e-mail, sending them a quick thank you message and saying I'll be there next week. I sigh, before jumping up towards the boys. I hug into Chanyeol oppa's side, causing him to smile down at me, before continuing to talk with the boys, which I quickly join in.

Though, somehow I feel something isn't going to go well. Something really isn't going to go well, and I don't like it...I don't like it at all.


Oof, looks like things won't go down well, will it? Lol, I hope y'all enjoyed. Also, please check out my new member book, Princess. It's a bts member book. Please check it out! Thank youuuu.

Ps. Thank you for 700+ reads. It means the world to me 💖.


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