Pythagoras History

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Pythagoras (Greek: Πυθαγόρας) was a Greek philosopher, mystic and mathematician.

It's has been told that he has traveled to Egypt, Babylon and India. He took the knowledge from these communities back to Greece where he founded a Mystery in Croton, one of the Greek cities in Calabria, Italy. Here he found a protector and benefactor, Milo's richest man. Milos daughter Theano was Pythagoras' favorite student, later they were married. According Jamblikos, the last leader of the Syrian Neoplatonic school Evboia, Theano work with the golden mean. Daughter Damo must have been responsible for Pythagoras' surviving writings. The other two daughters, and Arignote Miyia, was also pythagoréere. It is difficult to determine which of the discoveries credited to him that really is his own, which should be attributed to other members of the school, and what he had learned during their long journeys.

There are two theory's that Pythagoras founded.


The Pythagorean theorem or Pythagoras' theorem is a relationship between the sides in a right triangle. A right triangle is a triangle where one of the three angles is an 90-degree angle. In a right triangle the sides are called legs and hypotenuse.

The theorem

the pythagorean theorem

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the pythagorean theorem

In a right triangle the relationship between the legs a och b and the hypotenuse is



We can calculate c by using




Pythagoras saw the study of mathematics as a purifier of the soul. Let's go on a journey through Pythagoran theory and see what it has to say about you!

These groups of numbers are significant not only if they're present but if they're missing. This chart will show your most important numbers and how they work together to show your unique numerology meaning. But, it will also show areas where you need some concentration, which would be revealed through your missing numbers.

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