The Sun 19

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The Sun is where we arrive at after finding our way through the dark with only The Moon to light the path. By facing our fears, calling on our inner-strength and having faith that life would deliver us to a better place we have eventually arrived at The Sun. After the darkness of The Moon, The Sun has eventually risen (it always does). With the dazzling glow and warmth of The Sun engulfing us, we now find that those things we feared so much in the pale vapoury light of The Moon are actually quite harmless or not as bad as we thought they were going to be. Everything looks better in the clear light of day. When The Sun shines it is quite easy to forget our woes and the world can suddenly look like a good place to be. The Sun generally has a wonderful effect on us. People are friendlier to each other and come out of their normal seclusion to enjoy the beauty of a sunny day. The Sun warms the chill out of our bones and out of our minds. The Sun brings happiness. The Sun, also brings success, achievement and celebration.

The Sun shines brightly in Card XIX. Its rays reach out, touching every living thing. In the foreground a young child rides a white horse. The child is naked and carries a large banner or flag. Flowers adorn the child's head as he beams with sheer delight. He appears to have stuck a large red feather among the flowers and it waves merrily as he rides out on his horse. In the background, a line of sunflowers grow from the top of a stone wall. The child, like the woman in The Star appears naked in this imagery to symbolise that he is free to express himself for who he truly is without facade or pretence.

The child symbolises innocence and this suggests that there has been a rebirth of some sort. The feather in the child's hair is the same feather The Fool wore at the beginning of his journey in card 0. The Fool has learned some hard lessons along the way and he may feel like a totally different person from the one who set out to conquer the world many, many moons ago. He has struggled through some hard times but thankfully he has held firm. Just as we thought he may concede defeat in The Devil and Tower Card he proved us wrong by facing up to all that was dark and unhealthy in his life. As a reward for his determination and tenacity, he has been given a second chance, a chance to start over again, but this time with the knowledge gained from direct experience. The Fool's red feather symbolises his success and all that he has achieved along the way. The knowledge and wisdom of his success and achievements is all that he needs now to reach his ultimate goal. He appears to be overjoyed and exuberant about where he now finds himself. He had thought he walked in the light on many occasions in the past, but this is very different. The light and intense heat of The Sun releases him from the limitations and restrictions of the dark. Indeed, The Sun reassures him that the dark days are over and that he is free to bask in the glory of its dazzling light.

If we watch young children playing in the garden on a sunny day we get the impression of the energies The Sun card brings. It is a time for joyous freedom, play, fun, boundless energy and self-expression. The stone wall symbolises the boundaries the child (Fool) has put around himself as protection from negative influences and the dark. It took a lot to shake off the negative aspects both within and without, so there is a very definite determination in The Sun not to let them get a foothold again. He wants to feel young and vibrant once more and to enjoy his life rather than let it wear him down.

With The Sun card, anything is possible for when it appears in a reading it suggests that your day in The Sun has finally arrived. You have acknowledged your shadow side in The Devil, survived the trauma of The Tower, stabilised and healed in The Star, faced your fears and demons in The Moon and now cleansed, are in the best position to enjoy what The Sun has to offer. The Sun says it is time for living in the moment and enjoying life.

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