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The Four Knights in the Tarot represent people, situations, atmospheres, advice or messages, based on the Elemental Energies of the particular Knight. They generally represent males between 22 and 30 years of age but they can represent a female if their energy fits and she is displaying Knightly qualities. If a Knight turns up and the Querant is convinced it represents someone much older than 30, then it might suggest there is immaturity evident in this person.

The Knights represent the Fiery part of the Suits. Regardless of which Suit The Knight represents and his Governing Element, he will also be influenced by the Element and Energy of Fire.

Fire has very obvious effects on the individual Knights. By their very nature, age and archetypal personality, a Knight is expected to be able to call on Fire at will when the situation warrants it. In fact, those in his Kingdom would think it odd, if not unacceptable for a Knight not to display his Fiery side. How would a Knight be able to ride into battle and face the enemy without Fire bravely driving him forth? How would a Knight defend the honour of The Queen and King, or race to the rescue of a Damsel in distress, if he had not the energy of Fire to ignite his passion and interest?

Without Fire coursing through The Four Knights, they would stay at home in their castles pampered and fussed over, lounging around all day letting others do all the hard and difficult work for them. They would come across as weak in themselves, lacking in spirit, motivation and initiative. They would be enthusiastic for nothing and too tired to go anywhere.

History would have to re-write itself, and for certain most traditional romantic novels too. Rapunzel would still be locked up in her tower, Sleeping Beauty still deep in slumber and jousting tournaments too dangerous to participate in. Kingdoms would lie in ruin and pillage because of Knightless defence. Brave battles would never be fought, corrupt rulers never ousted, risks never dared and challenges never risen to. We would never have heard of Sir Lancelot or Sir Galahad.

Taking action, movement, mobility, courage, strength, vision, passion and daring risk is the realm The Four Knights dwell in. They are the older brothers to the young Pages, the handsome and dashing young adult sons (or daughters) of The Kings and Queens. They are adults within their own right, but only just, and for all their Fire and Devilish looks, still have much to learn. By virtue of their rank and age, they have now gained a freedom not often granted The Pages.

The Four Knights are certainly given much freedom. It is seen as their Right of Passage. It is expected that they enter their Knighthood play acting, or pretending to be 'real men/women' in the hope that they will come out the other end as 'true men (or women)' with all their rough edges smoothed off. The King and Queen both know that the only way they are going to grow, mature and develop is through the direct experience of life. Their offspring have reached a stage where they must start to fend for themselves. The King and Queen if they have done a good job in rearing their young Knights will suffer only mild anxiety when their sons (or daughters) head out into the great wide yonder, and out of their jurisdiction. They will accept that their Knights do not know everything regardless of how much they protest about their ability to cope. They will expect them to make some mistakes and will be there to support them through any aftermath involved. If they have failed or fallen short in their role as parents, The King and Queen may then expect trouble to land on their doorstep, and many a mess to clean up after their young Knight has last control or the run of himself.

And so The King and Queen stand by while The Knights are free to galavant and get up to all sort of mischief and mayhem. They will be encouraged to 'sow their wild oats' and might even receive a round of applause for it. They will be allowed take liberties, take chances and experiment with various aspects of life. They can pack their bags and take off around the world or pursue crazy careers. They can shout their mouth off using freedom of expression as their god given right. They can find their way to demonstrations as easily as they can find their way to a rock festival. Everything and anything is expected of The Four Knights as they carve out a life for themselves in the hope that it will all come together in the end. They will eventually be expected to quieten or settle down when the time comes, but for the moment, life is for the living and it would be hard to find anyone who is more alive than The Four Knights.

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