Judgement 20

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Astrological Association – Pluto – Planet of transformation.

In card number XX, we see an Angel blowing a trumpet or horn as he looks down on humanity from the heavens above. A flag with a red cross on a white background hangs from the trumpet. Below the Angel, men, women and children rise up from their individual coffins with arms raised in exaltation. This card represents Judgement Day for one and all. The seeds sown in The High Priestess are now ready for harvest. The Outcome of this Harvest and whether it is welcome or not depends upon what was sewn and where. It also depends on how it was tended and nurtured during the time of its incubation and growth. The harvest referred to in the Judgement card is the final outcome of the sum total of The Fool's journey through the tarot. The Fool's Journey is also a metaphor for our journey through life or a particular situation. It is the outcome of all our experiences, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour on our spiritual quest.

The figures depicted in the Judgement Card stand naked, again reminding us that when Judgement Day arrives we will no longer be able to hide behind a facade, lies or pretence. All our deeds, both good and bad will be exposed and laid bare before the Higher Powers and our Higher Self. Nothing can be hidden on Judgement Day.

Those who have studied accounts of the Spirit World will be aware of a body of Higher Souls who we must stand before and account for our actions after each incarnation. These Higher Souls are referred to as The Council of Elders. They are often compared to a judge and jury but this is not the way the Spirit World works or behaves. Once we have passed from the physical and shed our earthly body and brain, we return to our pure Spirit/Soul Form. The Spirit/Soul Form that deliberately chose a certain body type and environment, along with all the challenges this choice would bring.

Spirit's venture into the physical is to develop and grow by overcoming the challenges of the chosen life. This is how we, in our Spirit Form, evolve. If we have risen to the challenge while retaining our integrity and remaining true to ourselves while helping the rest of humanity along the way, then we have done our job well. However, if we have let the unruly host body chosen for this incarnation overrule our Spirit Self and run amok, letting the ego have first say, then we may possibly have failed. This means that we will have to return once again to learn the Lesson or Lessons which were pre-determined before leaving the Spirit World to incarnate. We will always be given another chance but it may appear more challenging the next time round. There is nothing more discouraging to our form in Spirit State, then to arrive back into the Spirit World after our physical death, only to realise that we have failed in our mission and quite possibly caused distress or hurt to others in the process.

The Council of Elders do not stand in Judgement over each returning Spirit. However, these highly evolved souls do assist the returning Spirit that comes before them to look back on their recently ended life and re-experience the journey from both the Spirit vantage point and those whose lives they impacted and effected throughout their life. This process is referred to as the 'Life Review' and is apparently viewed almost movie-like for the returning Spirit to appraise.

Stripped of their ego and recent physical identity, the returning Soul is in a far better position to fully absorb the consequences of all their actions. In Spirit/Soul Form, no blame is every apportioned to another as the Soul accepts full responsiblity for any shortcomings, poor decision-making or lack of judgement. This is because it was the Returning Spirit/Soul itself that had set the various tasks, challenges and environment to incarnate into and not The Council of Elders. The Returning Spirit had planted his own seeds and the Harvest is now his full responsibility too. Therefore, standing before this Council and after the Life Review, the only judgement that can be made is Self Judgement. The Returning Spirit/Soul will be either happy with or disappointed in themselves as a result. It will be the Council who remind them of their good deeds done or their unique strengths and when the time is right, will eventually assist them in the selection a new body and a new environment in which to face their challenges once again. Spirit will be given the chance once again to balance the scales in further incarnations.

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