Tarot Card Reading Questions

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How to Correctly Word a Question

To ensure the most accurate reading possible it is vitally important to word the question properly. A question that is open to various interpretations will lead to a vague and confused reading. Be specific and try to narrow down the time scale. Remember, that it is your subconscious that will supply the answers and the subconscious will take your question literally and I mean literally.

Don't just always seek a direct answer as in "will I get married"? The answer received may be NO!! No could possibly be because you don't have time for relationships, you never socialise or possibly, you are afraid of commitment. A question with more scope for depth is preferable e.g. How best can I improve my relationships with the opposite sex? How can I improve my chances of meeting my perfect partner? Am I ready to get married? Is there anything blocking me from meeting my soul mate? By looking for a straightforward answer to the "will I get married question"? may very well draw an unwelcome no! This will not be the desired outcome for the querant and he or she will likely be upset. By wording the question for the highest good of the querant may expose areas of behaviour that is inhibiting them from forming strong bonds with the correct partner etc. This empowers the querant to make the necessary adjustments to their life in order to progress.

Try not to have questions within a question as it can confuse the reading. Try to limit it to just one main question per reading! However when answering the specific question you may expose areas or situations that will give answers to other questions that the querant had in mind. These are usually linked to the main question and inter-related. As humans we are very complex and never experiencing just one thing at a time in life.

Making Sure You Address The Question

When it comes to readings, students regularly fall into the trap of straying off the querants question and venturing into unrelated areas. This happens because there are so many possibilities with each card that if the student sees for e.g. a couple of Cups cards in a business question they zoom in on relationships and stick with relationships because Cups generally deal with emotions and relationships. The student can very easily latch onto this and, with the bit between their teeth, they are off and there is no stopping them.

This may all be fine but the querant has asked a question about their business and not about their relationship. There may very well be relationship issues at stake in connection with the business area of their life but these must be worked into to the original question, which, is in relation to the querant's business. On the other hand the Cups cards may just be representing harmonious business relationships or a sense of emotional fulfilment with the nature of the business and how the querant feels about their business. They may also be pointing towards a business that involves a lot of creativity, possibly art, writing, crafts etc.

To counteract the tendency to go off on a tangent or run down the wrong street of exploration, write down the question on a sheet of paper in Large Bold Font and keep it beside the reading. Every time you get stuck or confused as to how the cards are relevant, keep coming back to the question.

The querant also needs to give you some feedback and it is perfectly okay to ask questions. In later lessons we will be looking more closely at how we conduct a proper reading but for the moment it may very well be through a process of elimination that you will arrive at the right and fitting interpretation for each card. Questions such as "I am a bit confused here because although your question is about your business there are a lot of relationship cards appearing in your spread. Does this mean anything to you? Is there a connection between a particular relationship and your business possibly?" If the querant agrees then you can bet your bottom dollar that the relationship is affecting the business one way or another and further exploration will be needed.

Remember that if you are confused it is perfectly alright to pull an extra card or two for any difficult card you are finding hard to interpret. Extra cards may clarify the meaning or give further insight. Don't be tempted to pull too many extra cards in a reading. Do what you can to work with the cards you have before you call for reinforcement or back-up.

The Hidden Question

Sometimes a querant will ask a particular question but their mind may be preoccupied with something else altogether. This something else could be an affair, an attraction, marital problems, personal issues or terrible secrets that they are not quite ready to voice, especially in public. When this happens you will see cards related to their particular secretive issue infiltrate a totally unrelated reading. As a result the reading will be confusing and the cards just won't make any sense. You will need to communicate with the querant and express your confusion. If drawing extra cards does not bring the reading into focus explain to the querant that something is clouding the reading. Tell them that although their question is about x, cards unrelated to x and more related to y keep appearing. Ask them if that makes any sense to them? Also gently ask them if there is something pressing on their minds at the moment that is consuming their every thought? The querant may not offer any details or may even deny such a case but it is quite a regular occurrence.


Keep Coming Back to the Question

Do not be Tempted to Stray

If you do, then Make Sure to Tie it in with The Original Question

Below are a Few Examples of Well-Worded Questions:

What does the future hold for me in personal relationships generally?

What can I do to improve our relationship/marriage/friendship?

What is blocking me from forming a loving relationship with the right man/woman?

Is it wise for me to pursue a relationship with (name of person)?

What does the future hold for me in my career generally?

Will I still be in this job in (x number of) months?

Will I be offered the job at (name of company)?

What am I currently doing to prevent myself from becoming financially secure?

Is it wise for me to invest in (......)?

What does the future hold for me financially?

How can I maintain and improve my physical health?

What does the future hold for my health?

What are the underlying problems causing my (name of health problem)?

Will I travel to (location) this year?

Will I have enough money to travel to (location) this year?

Am I making the right decision in travelling to (location) this year?

What is the underlying cause of my health (problems/symptoms etc)?

What is the underlying cause preventing me from getting pregnant?

What can I do to increase my chances of getting pregnant?

Would relocating my home and my job be a wise move for me at this moment in time?

Would changing my job or career be a wise move for me at this moment in time?

Where is the magic in my life?

Why do I keep sabotaging my own happiness?

What negative traits have I inherited that are causing problems for me?

What positive traits have I inherited that I could be using to my benefit?

Where do my strengths lie?

What are my hidden talents?

What is my soul purpose?

What are the karmic lessons I have to learn in this life?

What is it that I need to know at the moment?

What does my Angel or Spirit guide wish me to know?

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