Wheel of Fortune 10

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Almost half way through the journey in the Major Arcana, The Fool encounters The Wheel of Fortune. In this card we see a revolving wheel which represents the wheel of life. The Wheel is in constant motion. In each corner of the Card we see Four Winged Creatures sitting upon clouds. The creatures are yellow in colour and each appear to be reading from a book.

These creatures represent the Four Elements in the Tarot that we encountered in the Minor Arcana. The Winged Angel represents Air, the Eagle represents Water, The Winged Bull represents Earth and the Winged Lion represents Fire. These figures symbolise the four fixed signs of the Zodiac; Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo. The books they read contain knowledge about not only their own Element but also the other Three.

Their yellow colour suggests that they are mentally working very hard to assimilate this information. They will have absorbed much knowledge at this stage and will be analsying its meaning and how it should be applied to life. However, at this point of the journey they would not yet be qualified or versed enough on each Element to have full understanding or appreciation their power. However, they do now understand that to be complete, to be whole and fulfilled within and without they must find the correct balance and understanding of not just their own Element but also of each others. Only then will true enlightenment come.

These Winged Figures appear once more in the final card of the Major Arcana but by then they are in full colour. After completing their individual journeys with all their successes and glories, trials and tribulations, ups and downs, gains and losses, those loved and lost, they will finally understand the Lessons to be learned in each Element. Then they shall be whole and ultimate success can be achieved.

A Sphinx sits on top of The Wheel holding a sword which is tilted. As before in preceding cards, the tilted sword represents confusion in thought, lack of clarity and things not being straight forward or that there is a slant to what is being seen, experienced or perceived. The Sphinx is guardian to the wisdom of the Wheel and that which it stands for. On one side of the wheel a snake slithers downwards. This snake represents Set, the God of darkness, death and decay. When Set's energies abound we feel chaos and lack of control in our lives, nothing feels right or works out for us.

On the other side a red-figure depicting Anubis, follows the upward rotation of the Wheel. Anubis is responsible for guiding the souls after death to the spirit world where they eventually will be reborn again into the physical. The lesson to be understood here is that out of decay and death life once again is reborn. Eventually too that new life will decay and die once more before the re-birthing process begins once again. The cycle is continuous. The Wheel represents not just physical life but every aspect of life. The Wheel teaches us the Lesson of impermanence – nothing lasts for ever. Life is in constant motion and what we experience at any given moment in time, is, in the grand scale of things, only fleeting. We can not stop the Wheel of Life from rotating no matter how much we want a particular situation to remain intact or to remain as it is. The Universe will not permit permanence for that only leads to stagnation and lack of spiritual growth. To truly understand the lessons of The Wheel we must experience not just the upward turn of its cycle but also its down turn too. That is after all what we incarnate for.

There is great depth to The Wheel of Fortune for it teaches us some hard lessons. As far as the Sphinx is concerned there is no fortune or 'Lady Luck' involved in which part of The Wheel you ride on, for be it on the downward or upward turn you are fully responsible for your position. No finger can be pointed at another in blame or that fate or the Gods are shining down on or cursing you. You got here all by yourself and the Sphinx advises that if you are clever and wise you should stop and be observant as to how you got where you are on The Wheel, for it is not by chance. Be it on the upward or downward turn it is the right place for you at this point of time. However, The Wheel is in constant motion so wherever you are on it, remember that this time too will pass, the Wheel will turn once more and what is in the now will soon become the past.

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