Court Cards

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Court Cards:

The Court Cards, also known as the People Cards, Face Cards or Royalty are the Families of the Tarot, the personalities that reflect the qualities of their Suit and Rank. The Court Cards used as a guidance or self-development tool, show us certain ways of being in the world so that we can use, or avoid those styles when appropriate.

A King is mature and masculine. He is the Archetypal Father Figure of his Suit. He is a doer whose focus is outward on the events of life. He demonstrates authority, order, control, discipline and mastery in the areas associated with his Suit. A King's style is to lead, be strong, assertive and direct. He is concerned with results and practical, how-to matters. He has the responsibility to protect and defend his realm and all those who reside within. A King is the Masculine Counterpart to a Queen. A King balances the Feminine Force of a Queen. A King has the capacity to separate his head from his heart.

A Queen is mature and feminine. She is the Archetypal Mother Figure of her Suit. She embodies the qualities of her Suit, rather than acting them out. Her focus is inward, and her style, relaxed and natural. This does not say a Queen is weak or powerless. On the contrary, a Queen holds immense power, but wields it in a more subtle manner. A Queen is concerned with results just like the King, but can switch off and relax in the enjoyment of just being in the world. A Queen is also responsible for protecting and defending those in her realm, but not in the same manner as a King. Her manner of protection is through nurturing, sensing and natural maternal instincts. She is associated with feelings, relationships and self-expression. A Queen is the Feminine Counterpart of The King. A Queen tempers the strong powerful Masculine Force of The King to provide balance and perspective. A Queen can find it difficult to separate her heart from her head.

A Knight is an immature young adult. Not yet, a Queen or King. Immature does not necessarily mean the Knight is silly or superficial, but rather he is still evolving, searching and seeking to find his place in the world. He is the Archetypal Son or Daughter (modern tarot deems the Knight to be gender-less) of The Queen and King in his Suit. He may find it challenging to express himself in a balanced manner. He can swing from one extreme to another, as he tries to relate successfully to his world. His presence always draws attention to how balanced a situation is. A Knight is prone to excess, but he is also eager and sincere, and these qualities redeem him in our eyes. We admire his spirit and energy. He lives in a world of action. He embodies the qualities of The King of his Suit but in an immature manner. A Knight has much to learn and experience before he can become a King.

A Page is a playful child, adolescent, or young adult (approx. up to 22 years of age) of either sex. He or She is The Archetypal young Son or Daughter of The King and Queen of his Suit. He is young, innocent and sometimes naive. He acts out the qualities of his Suit with pleasure and abandon. His approach may not be deep, but it is easy, loose and spontaneous. He is a symbol of adventure and possibility. He holds lofty ideas about his future, his mind and imagination constantly on the go. He makes plans for his future in a world styled to his beliefs. He has yet to understand the world may not be as cooperative as he thinks it to be. As he grows from childhood to young adulthood, he must apply himself to assimilating knowledge via the spoken and written word. He will go through formal education and expand his mind through learning. His mind may also flit from one ambition to another as he is exposed to varying subjects of study or aspects of life. Some Pages may not be able to settle on what or who they want to be when they grow up, as the very process of maturing can affect their thought process and attitudes. The world is still the Page's oyster, and he can be anything he so chooses once he finds direction and focus for his active mind. He holds the potential of his Suit and has yet to be moulded or strongly influenced by either King or Queen. A Page needs careful handling if he is to avoid adopting any negative traits of The King or Queen. A Page is highly sensitive to the World around him but does not understand the workings of it as yet. A Page is eager to experience life and is interested in all. The King and Queen must supervise his exuberance, and control his desire to run before he can walk.

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