Temperance 14

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(To Follow)

After the trauma and upset of the Death card, Temperance brings a wonderful and much-needed respite from suffering. Death has done his job and cleared away all the dead wood out of our lives, weeded the garden, torn down the old curtains, ransacked the cupboards and drawers, before filling a huge skip with all our unnecessary baggage and things. We are now in a better position to see our lives without blinkers on. With a de-cluttered mind we can now focus on who we are and what we really want for the future. It is Temperance who brings the calm after the storm and allows us to settle and re-balance. It is Temperance who after the clearing of Death allows us a glimpse of our true Spiritual Purpose.

Temperance appears to us as a Winged Angel. Dressed in a white gown she pours water from one cup to another. In front of her is a pool of water. The Angel stands with one foot in the water and one foot on land. Behind her a path leads off into the distant mountains where the sun has risen and is now shining brightly. This card is all about finding balance and harmony within ourselves and our lives. Each Element is represented in this card. Water is prominently featured in the pool and flowing between the two cups. The triangle on her white gown is the symbol for Fire. The square around the triangle symbolises Earth and the Third Eye, or Brow Chakra, symbolises Air. Temperance demonstrates that by taking the time to carefully blend these Elements in suitable proportions, you will find the right balance to succeed in attaining your goals.

The distant mountains on the left are the same mountains that were seen on right in the Death card as the sun was just rising. The pathway represents the journey you have made since shedding the unnecessary from your life. The sun has now risen which suggests that for the moment the troubles of the past are behind you. Through faith in life you have found the light at the end of the tunnel. The pool Temperance stands beside is the pool that was first glimpsed in The High Priestess when you were only vaguely aware of its presence. This suggests that by traveling through The Major Arcana and experiencing its lessons thus far, you have gained access to much of the knowledge contained within The Torah of The High Priestess. You may congratulate yourself on this as it is no mean achievement.

The actions of Temperance are often linked to pouring oil over troubled water. Temperance brings a calming and soothing energy to the situation. The Angel represented is Archangel Raphael. Raphael is traditionally associated with healing so this card is also about healing taking place, or the need to heal. Temperance encourages moderation and pacing oneself. She brings clarity of thought and thus allows for being aware of the bigger picture rather than constantly seeking instant gratification. Temperance urges you to consider your next step, your next move, for these decisions will have a huge impact on the rest of your life. The halo around the Temperance's head suggests that at this stage of your journey you have matured considerably and have learned many lessons. Some came hard, some easy, and as a result you have grown spiritually. By releasing all that was not worthy of you, and all that was blocking your spiritual vision in the Death card, you now have a clear picture of repetitive patterns of behaviour in your life so far. By examining your past you will have realised how you got where you are today, whether you took the right path or not, and how many times you have strayed.

Temperance is not a card of action, she is content to be still and savour her surroundings. Nothing is learned by rushing around and acting impulsively. You must carefully consider your next step, so take your time as you adapt and adjust to your new situation. Temperance appears to be measuring out a certain amount of water from one cup to the next. She knows just how much of each Element is needed in the mix to create the desired effect (the right combination for success). She stands for balance, equilibrium, harmony and moderation which in turn brings a sense of inner peace. She knows the exact blend needed for any situation which may arise. Not too much, and not too little. This is one of the lessons she brings to you. Everything in Moderation. Pace yourself, not too fast and not too slow.

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