Nine and Ten's

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The Nines

The Four Nines of The Minor Arcana represent the final stage of action, reflection, thoughts and deeds of the Four Suits. It heralds the end of a cycle and the natural winding down or closing stages of a period of your life, incident, situation, relationship or stage of a relationship . This does not mean that the situation is over and done with or gone forever. What is does mean is that it has run its natural course and is the total culmination of all you have done, all the effort put in and all your hopes, wishes and dreams. The Goals that each have struggled long and hard for are now in sight and ready to be claimed. Wishes are just about to come true and dreams realised. Of course for the Swords it is the end of the road for them with stress and conflict, they too will experience the culmination of all that has come to be throughout their journey.

For all the Suits involved, it is now time to review and reflect on the consequences of their actions. Their journey is over, but not just yet, for they must now take a long hard look back and be totally honest with themselves. They all started out on the same footing; with the same advantages, the same innocence and the same quality of Gift from Spirit. They were all bursting with potential as they accepted and grasped their Gift firmly in their hand. They were all equal and full of promise as they stood before Spirit, receiving their blessings and advice. They had held such high hopes for their futures.

Some, were already formulating plans and goals as they instinctually knew what they wanted of their Elemental Gift (Pentacles). Others had wonderful ideas and visions but preferred not to settle on anything too soon. Bursting with their Fiery Elemental Gift, they would try to experience as much as possible (Wands). Then there were some who held high and noble hopes of love and happiness, not just for one, but for all. They offered their Cup to share with another and set goals of happiness, love and joy (Cups). Of course we had one who fretted and worried over what to do with theirs. Their Gift weighed heavily on them and often wondered why they had drawn the short straw? Their Gift was a potentially dangerous weapon and possibly they felt too inexperienced to know how to handle it adequately. Starting off with such worries and unsettling thoughts did put a dampener on the excitement of the occasion. It did not augur well for the future (Swords). It is a pity they did not understand its beauty for when handle correctly it is a wonder of magic and might.

The Nines are now here to tell you that you have done all you can in this situation, and for better or worse, you must now make ready to move into a whole new cycle. This one is done and dusted, and to be honest we are probably all jaded with the storyline and waiting to move on to something new. It is a bit similar to watching a Movie or Soap Opera. In a Movie, it is very easy to tell, (apart from the time duration) when the story is nearing its conclusion. Loose ends are being tied up and characters settle into position for the Grand Finale. If it did not go through this stage then the Movie would just stop abruptly, leaving us all wondering what the hell happened? In a Soap Opera, they are constantly heading off on journeys similar to our Tarot friends. They run with a particular storyline for a period of time; building it up as they go, and then winding it down sufficiently so that it is no longer the big drama it started out as. They can also choose to bring it to an abrupt and explosive end. They are then free to move onto a new storyline and do the same all over again. A book is no different. I am sure many of you understand that feeling of incredible frustration when we have spent days reading a book only to get to the last couple of chapters and discover that several pages are missing. We have missed out on how all the characters turned out and what became of them. Reading the last page is not enough for it has all happened by then.

The closing down stages are very important and help us understand many things. They help ease us out of our current, aged cycle and into a brand new fresh one. Like The Death Card, we are forever caught up in the ever-turning wheel of birth, death and rebirth. Sudden death can cause a terrible shock to our systems and likewise, moving from an old cycle of life to a new one without going through the winding down phase can also cause a jolt to the system.

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