Third Eye Chakra 1

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The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra. Located on the forehead, between the eyebrows, it is the center of intuition and foresight. The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of openness and imagination.

Third eye chakra meaning

The fifth chakra is referred to as:

•Third eye chakra

•Brow chakra

•Ajna chakra

•Bhru Madhya

•Dvidak Padma

The most common Sanskrit name for the Third eye chakra is "Ajna", which means "command" and "perceiving".

This chakra is related to the "supreme element", which is the combination of all the elements in their pure form.

Yogic meaning of the 3rd eye chakra

In yogic metaphysics, the third eye or Ajna chakra, is the center where we transcend duality – the duality of a personal "I" separate from the rest of the world, of a personality that exists independently from everything else.

As Harish Johari says, "a yogi who has passed through the Vishuddha Chakra at the throat to the Ajna Chakra transcends the five elements and becomes freed (mukta) from the bondage of time-bound consciousness. This is where the I-consciousness is absorbed into super-consciousness." (Harish Johari: Chakras: Energy Centres of Transformation).

Third eye chakra color:

The third eye chakra is most commonly represented with the color purple or bluish purple. The auric color of third eye chakra energy can also be seen as translucent purple or bluish white.

Rather than by its color, it is characterized by the quality of its luminescence or soft radiance that reminds us of the moon light.

Third eye chakra location:

The most commonly accepted location for the sixth chakra is between the eyebrows, slightly above at the bridge of your nose. Contrary to a common misconception, it is not located in the middle of the forehead, but between the eyes where the eyebrows would meet. It can also be described as being located behind the eyes in the middle of the head. Note that secondary chakras run along the midline of the forehead, but the third eye chakra is typically located lower.

The Third eye chakra is associated to the pineal gland in charge of regulating biorhythms, including sleep and wake time. It's a gland located in the brain that is a center of attention because of its relationship with the perception and effect of light and altered or "mystical" states of consciousness. It's positioned close to the optical nerves, and as such, sensitive to visual stimulations and changes in lighting.

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