Ace and TWO's

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The Four Aces in the Minor Arcana are symbolic representations of the contents of the knapsack The Fool (0) carries, and also the tools The Magician (I ) displays in The Major Arcana of The Tarot. Therefore, there is a connection between the Aces and the above two Major Arcana Cards. There is also a connection with Card X, The Wheel of Fortune (X) and Card XIX, The Sun, of the Major Arcana. 10 in Numerology reduces to 1 when its two digits are added (1+0=1) and 19 reduces to 10 when added (1+9= 10) which in turn reduces to 1 (1+0=1) .

Kabbalistic Tree of Life – 1st Sephira, Kether (Crown)

Kether is the highest and purest of all the Sephiroth. It is closest to God and the source of all creation. The Four Aces of The Minor Arcana reside in Kether. It is a fitting and appropriate place for the Aces, as we see Spirit, in the form of a hand, extend from a cloud, and offer the gift of the potential of each element to its corresponding Suit. The gift that is issued from the source is perfect and pure within its Elemental formation. The Sephiroth are the vessels in which the gift is received. The individual Sephira represent the manifestation of archetypal forces from the divine. The Minor Arcana reside within the Sephiroth and give expression or life to their corresponding archetypes.

The Aces offer the gift of the potential of each Element, and are received into the Sephira, Kether, where the first emanations from the divine burst forth. These Aces can symbolically represent the raw potential each and every one of us are born with. It is what we do with them after on our journey through life that we see how successful such potential can be realised or destroyed. In the Upright Aspect of The Four Aces, we step forth on our journey from higher ground, untainted. We get off to a good start. In the Reverse, we traverse the lower planes and will need to climb out of them. As The Four Aces suggest our raw beginning in life, so do they represent the launch of every new cycle or stage of life we experience, from minor to major. The Wheel of life constantly turns, and everything has its natural cycle or lifespan. There will always be beginnings and endings to deal with along our personal journeys, but we are expected to learn much as the Wheel turns. We must bring wisdom and knowledge forward into the start of each cycle so that we progress and not regress. New cycles should not see us going over old ground indefinitely.

Corresponding Major Arcana – Fool/Magician/Wheel of Fortune & Sun

The Four Aces in the Minor Arcana are symbolic representations of the contents of the knapsack The Fool (0) carries and, also the tools The Magician (I) displays in The Major Arcana of The Tarot. Here we have Archetypal manifestation of beginnings, potential, purity, along with activation and utilisation of such potential. The Fool must open his knapsack and release the tools/gifts held within if they are ever to be utilised. They remain in the void with The Fool until activated into life by The Magician. Thus, we are looking at the moment of release and activation of such gifts and potential in the Four Aces. Therefore, there is a connection between the Aces and the above two Major Arcana Cards.

There is also a connection with No 10 card, The Wheel of Fortune (X) of the Major Arcana. 10 in Numerology reduces down to 1 when its two digits are added (1+0=1), both The Fool and The Magician.

The Wheel of Fortune is constantly turning and always presenting us with fresh starts and new opportunities. The Wheel, like our life, turns in cycles. 10 in the Tarot stands for both ending and beginning. We go through many cycles in life. After each cycle we are given the chance to start again, move in another direction, or improve on what we already have. Each new cycle gives us the opportunity to change our circumstances and direction. Our cyclical nature gives us endless chances to get it right, amend our ways, try something new, make amends, be something else and improve upon what we have. What goes around, eventually comes around. What begins, eventually must end. Everything has a natural cycle or season. Impermanence is law. Nothing stays forever and we cannot force it to. We must understand the importance of knowing when to let go when a cycle comes to an end. Like The Fool we must be open to starting out or over once more, in the faith and hope that life will support our endeavors. We must continue to evolve, grow and progress.

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