Emperor 4

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Masculine, Head Not Heart, Facts, Hard Facts, Scientific Evidence, Severity, Rigidity, Distant, Disconnected, Controlled Emotions, Power, Leader, Ruler, King, Governor, Boss, Judge, General, Authority, Control, Status, Educated, Knowledge, Professional, Intellect, Honest, Fair, Integrity, Accountable, Responsible, Decision Maker, Highly Qualified, Master Your Trade, Hone Your Skills, Be Your Best, Be Diligent and Conscientious, Serve The Greater Good, Be Self-Less, Lead, Father Figure, Patriarch, Provider, Defender, Protector, Securing The Line of Inheritance, Structure, Order, Self-Control, Self-Mastery, Discipline, Will-Power, Strength, Victory, Success, Glory, Acclaim, Recognition, Protection, Defense, Ally, Warrior, Battle Ready, Armed, Ready for Conflict, Show No Weakness, Develop A Tough Exterior, Act Tough, Battle Hardened, War Hungry, Taking/Going After What You Want, Put Yourself Forward, Don't Settle For Second Best, Security, Strong Foundation, Protection, Defense, Routine, Habits, Regulation, Policies, Laws, Decision Maker, Decisive, Final Say, Plans, Implementing Plans, Strategy, Decisions, Manifestation, Ambition, Goals, Standards, Recognition, Fighting For What You Want, Taking/Seizing Control, Territory, Self-Government, Autonomy, Setting Boundaries & Parameters, Claiming Territory, Ownership, Possession, Assets, Entitlement, Striking Out, Going It Alone, Sailing Your Own Ship, Demanding Loyalty, Wisdom, Great Experience, Maturity, Age, Money Cannot Buy Experience, Experience Worth It's Weight In Gold, Good Advice, Advice May Be Hard To Take or Hear, Rising to Challenge, Military, Business Man, Corporate Business, CEO, Authority or Expert In Your Field, PhD, Climbing To The Top In Career, Thinking Big, Privileges

The Emperor – Masculine Archetype. Masculine Counterpart to The The Empress

Tarot Connections – Minor Arcana 4's (Stability) and Death by sum of its digits (1+3=4)

Numerology – 4 – Structure, order, stability, strength, security, consolidation, conservatism, boundaries, walls, restriction, confinement, rigidity, severity

Astrological Association – Aries

Sun Sign – Aries – First sign of the Zodiac. Cardinal sign of Fire. Masculine Initiator/Leader

Kabbalistic Tree of Life – Walks the 15th path between Chokmah (Supernal Father/Wisdom) and Tipareth (Beauty/Balance/Son of God). The Emperor provides the stabilising masculine force to balance the free flowing energy of the feminine Empress. The Empress needs the seed of the Emperor in order to create. The Emperor's seed needs the womb of The Empress to incubate. The union of the Masculine with the Feminine complies with the laws of polarity and the Universe. One cannot exist without the other. The Magician and Emperor represent the two Masculine Archetypes in the Tarot .

Hebrew Alphabet – Heh – Window (Enlightenment)


The Fool content and carefree continues upon his journey safe in the loving and indulgent warmth of The Empress. His every whim and desire attended to, he delights in the freedom of his new found world. However, The Fool must learn that he cannot live on love alone and that not everything he wants he will get. The Empress protects him from the consequences of his actions by forgiving and dismissing any of his juvenile silly behaviour. However, a time will come when The Fool must grow up and take his place in the world. To do so, he needs to understand the way of the outside world and not just the pampered and cossetted one of The Empress. As he travels forth on the 15th path, he encounters The Emperor, the Paternal Father who will take him firmly by the hand and instruct him in matters of responsibility, order, control and discipline. It is through the Emperor he will learn that society has established laws, rules and regulations put in place to create order and stability for the good of its people. Without it, chaos would reign along with a breakdown in morals, respect and lawful behaviour.

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