Step by Step Guide to doing Tarot Card Reading or Consultation

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The First thing to remember is that you, the Tarot Reader/Consultant is the person in control. You are in charge. Therefore you lead and The Querant follows.

First Stage – Getting off to a Good Start


•Buy yourself, an Appointments Book or Diary. You can use your Smartphone if you like, but it is best to have a hard copy of any Appointments you make. Your phone may get stolen, lost or the battery run down. Use your phone to set reminders of Appointments that are scheduled.

•Before you book anyone in for a Tarot Reading, it is essential that you establish what type of Reader you are. Most people do not know the difference between Fortune-Tellers, Tarot Readers, Psychics, Mediums and Astrologists. They tend to lump them all together and feel that they should be expert in each area. Most people are familiar with the old-fashioned idea of Tarot Reading where they take off their wedding or engagement ring beforehand and sit tight-lipped throughout the session wanting to see what the Reader can pick up about them. They are impressed if the Reader tells them that they are married or have a certain number of kids. Even better if they mention a deceased mother or father, or that they are very strong-minded or creative. Better still is that they will travel over water in the coming months or that romance is only around the corner. This type of trivial detail keeps them happy and is all they are looking for. This type of Querant will not expect to have any input except the occasional nod or shake of the head. They will sit riveted to their seat with huge staring eyes as they feel they are in the presence of one who can see all kind of spirit energy around them.

Fortune Teller Fortune Teller

•When you receive an enquiry, find out where they got your name from? Were you recommended or did they find your number on a flyer you had posted. This is good for building an understanding of where your clients are coming from and how effective your advertising is. Ask them if they have ever had a Tarot Reading before? If yes, enquire as to how long ago it was and what type of Tarot Reading it was? This will give you an idea as to the type of Tarot Reading they are used to and their understanding of how Tarot works. Also ask them how useful it was and if they derived any benefits from it? With that done you now need to find out if you are the kind of Reader they are looking for.

Reading The Cards

Me Doing A Tarot Reading in my old Healing Room

•Explain the nature of your style of Tarot Reading or Consultancy. Let them know that you will be asking some questions throughout the Reading or that you will be expecting input from them. Tell them that it is possible to get so much more out of a Reading when both The Reader and Querant work together. Reassure them that it is okay should they wish to ask questions during the Reading.

•If you don't do Health, Finance, Legal Readings tell them so in advance. There may be other areas you do not feel comfortable with so you need to set your parameters and the enquirer straight in these areas. If you are not a Psychic or Medium then also inform them of this. I have discovered this over the years with clients turning up looking for contact with a deceased loved one, thinking that I would be able to combine Mediumship with Tarot Reading. I am a Tarot Consultant and not a Medium. They are two very different areas of spiritual discipline. Some Readers are both. It is possible to do a Reading for a Querant with the intention that the Reading contains messages from a certain deceased person. However, people turning up usually are looking for the traditional Medium Style Reading.

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