The Tower 16

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Astrological Association – Mars

If you thought that Death riding into town was bad enough, forcing you to make all those scary changes in your life, well you better brace yourself for the arrival of the energy of The Tower.

When The Tower appears in a reading sudden change is coming and there is no way to avoid it. This change could be quite brutal, unexpected and destructive. Change is forced upon you now whether you want it or not, although like in the Death card, this change is often sought on a Subconscious or Universe level. The Tower is what happens when we cling on to things, people, attitudes or beliefs that are neither worthy of us nor healthy for us in mind, body and spirit. The Tower releases you, sometimes by force, from the enslavement of The Devil. If you build your life, relationships, friends etc on rocky foundations, eventually cracks can appear. When too much pressure is applied these cracks split wide open and the whole lot can come tumbling down around you.

In The Tower Card we see a tall narrow tower perched precariously on the top of a mountain. The sky in the background is black. It looks as if an explosion has just taken place. The crown on top of the roof has literally been blown off with the force, and flames sprout from the top, and out of all the windows. Two figures, a man and woman have either been blasted out of the windows or have jumped to escape the flames. Fire balls fall like droplets around them as clouds of smoke rise in the sky. By the look on the face of the man and woman, they had no idea this was coming, had no time to save their possessions or even to get properly dressed. They may have been asleep when the blast shook them from their beds and out the window. Whatever they have been doing in their lives has come to a head and burst and we are now left with this dreadfully shocking scene. Like a pressure pot when steam cannot escape, it has eventually exploded. They should have checked their building to see if it could stand up to the sheer force of such pressure. On first impressions their tower looks strong, but then looks can be deceiving.

Sometimes, when a situation is bad and we feel trapped, be it in a dead-end job, an unhappy relationship or marriage, way of life and even addictions, we may want to get out of it or change ourselves but we lack the inner strength, courage or energy to bring about such change. We may desire change, escape and freedom but we fear what that change will involve and all those things we might have to give up. Not bothered to do anything about it ourselves, deep down we guiltily hope that something drastic will happen and act as a catalyst for the desired change. Maybe, you hope the company you work for will go bang and then you will have to do something about getting a new job. Perhaps you want your husband or wife to find out about your affair and force a separation rather than sitting down and telling them you no longer love them. Maybe if I accidently overdose on cocaine and end up in hospital, then I will be forced to sort out my drug problem. It is The Tower that delivers such deep down desires.

The Tower is at work around you when you lose your job, your fiance breaks off the engagement, you crash your car and have your wallet stolen all in the one day. The Tower brings you back down to earth with a bang and it is best not to resist it for it will be all the worse for you if you think you can outsmart it. When we refuse to free ourselves from an unsuitable situation or belief system, The Tower is sent in by The Universe and does it for us. The Universe will only tolerate you straying off your Spiritual Path for so long. She will wait around and see if you will come to your senses of your own accord, but if she does not see that happening, eventually she will intervene. Whatever method she chooses to shock you out of complacency it is best to go along with it.

Change is bound to be out of your control and will be impossible to avoid. The change The Tower brings can be shocking and violent. The Tower can bring death, a car crash, a sudden major illness. On the other hand it could bring sudden wealth or fame just as easily and again without warning.

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