The World 21

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(To Follow)

Astrological Association – Saturn – Planet of Lessons, Teaching and Responsibilities

And so we come to the final card of the Major Arcana and the last card of the Tarot Deck. It has been a tough, long journey through the Major Arcana and one would feel almost exhausted for the figure in Card XXI. In fact, exhausted is the last thing she looks as she appears vibrant, energised and happy. In the World Card we experience the culmination of The Fool's Journey. The World is where The Fool has arrived at after experiencing all that life had either given or thrown at him. The Fool has survived the Journey and is sure to be feeling proud as punch with himself.

The Fool has taken the knocks and accepted them for just what they were, knocks, sent to test his inner-strength and resourcefulness. He has taken the time to stand still and appreciate his many blessings in life and what is of true value to him. He has taken responsibility for his life and through self-examination has become aware of imbalances and his shadow-side. He has heeded the advice of wise ones and learned to detach himself from the negative influences of others. Instead of giving up and falling to pieces when times were hard, he picked himself up, dusted himself down and moved forward with the understanding that whatever didn't break him would ultimately strengthen him.

The figure in The World Card, (representing The Mature Fool) has done just that and has earned her place on The Winners Podium. Success is now hers. Because she learned the Vital Lessons of Life along the way and achieved the ultimate challenge of finding a balance of the Four Elements, the success she has earned will be long-term. She now knows the vital ingredients needed to survive. She learned all this not from a book but from the direct experience of living. She has participated in life by being involved, proactive, eager, fearless and curious. She has kept her mind open to more than one way of approaching every situation she encountered. She learned from others and her environment but arrived at her own conclusions rather than just follow the mob. She became self-sufficient and responsible. She could have gone through life as a passenger, looking out the window at everyone else living their lives, wishing and dreaming that she could have what they had but she chose to get up and go get it herself. She could have let herself be controlled by others and lived her life according to their rules, mindsets and beliefs but she had her own plans and own ideas. We must now stand and congratulate The Figure in The World Card, for in completing her Journey and ascending the Winner's Podium, she has in fact graduated from The School Of Life.

In The World Card, a woman stands in the centre of a large Laurel Wreath. The woman is naked except for a flowing sash which swirls around her body. She holds two wands loosely in her hands. The woman appears to be in motion, as if in dance. The sky is clear blue in the background and in each corner we find the Four Symbolic Figures from The Wheel of Fortune. These Figures represent the Four Elements; Air, Water, Earth and Fire. In The Wheel of Fortune, these Figures were depicted in black and white. In The World card they are depicted in colour suggesting that The Woman (or Fool) has learned the Lessons of each Elemental approach to life and has managed to incorporate them into her life. She is now in perfect balance and harmony and is ruled not by any one in particular. The Woman understands that to find fulfillment, and to make each Element work for her in her life, they must learn to live together equally. It is only then that she has access to the best that each Element has to offer her. Each Element has special gifts and each Element can beautifully complement each other. By co-operating and complementing each other they negate any excesses that may threaten to disturb her equilibrium. By applying the Approach and Lessons of each Element in moderation to her journey in life, she has achieved her Goal of Lasting Success.

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