Reverse Cards

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When conducting a reading some cards can fall reversed, as in upside down, and this will affect the meaning of the card. A reversed card generally negates the meaning of the upright card but not always. Reversed cards generally point to extremism or the opposite of the meaning of the upright card or that one must go back to the preceding card of the Suit to learn the lesson contained therein before goals or potential can be realised.

Even if the upright card is a positive card, it can still be negative when reversed if it is experienced in the extreme e.g. too much of a good thing is bad for you/ less is more etc. Reversed cards often represent blocked potential and our shadow side. Our shadow side is the side of us that we wish to deny or hide from others. Our shadow side is often projected onto others when we demonise those who unconsciously display those unsavoury traits, habits or attitudes that mirror our own hidden feelings, thoughts and desires. Reversed cards are invaluable and can show us what it is that is holding us back from developing our full potential. Our blind spots are often highlighted in reversed cards. By acknowledging our failures or shortcomings in the reversed cards we can take steps to overcome them and so grow in the process.

Sometimes the presence of a reversed card in a reading is there only to draw attention to itself (Hey, don't overlook me, I hold special meaning for you!). When this happens it can be useful to do a separate reading based on this card.

The reversed card sometimes shows us what is subconsciously going on behind the scene of the conscious meaning of the upright. It can highlight areas where we are subconsciously resisting the message of the upright either to our own benefit or detriment.

Often what we dislike or deny in our self is projected onto others. This is typically our shadow side. Sometimes when we point the finger at others and accuse them of being a bitch, mean, ugly, unloving etc we are actually pointing at our self. We can also project an unrealistic image onto someone or something giving them or it power and influence where it is not warranted.


To show you a couple of examples of how reversed cards work we will look at the 2 of Cups upright first. The 2 of Cups depicts the archetypal happy couple who appear to be connected to each other. As this is the Suit of Cups and connected with the Water Element we are generally dealing with the emotions and relationships. The man and woman hold their Cups at equal height (symbolising equality in their relationship). They look tenderly at each other suggesting that their love is deep and that they respect each other. The scene almost looks as if they are taking their wedding vows.

When we turn this card into reverse we are now looking at not so happy a couple. Possibly the love that once was there is no longer. Breakups and separation may be indicated. Rows and upsets will be present. The equality found in the upright becomes inequality in the reverse. One dominates or bullies while the other is submissive or passive. The number 2 numerically in the upright suggests cooperation and union, opposites attract. The reversed two may suggest lack of cooperation, lack of union and opposites repelling. Do you see how the reversed cards work? In this case we have gone for the opposite of the upright but it could just as easily be overly in love, too wrapped up in each other, too co-dependent. The surrounding cards will give you further information.

Effects of Reversed Cards:

Opposite Meaning of Upright Card

Extreme of Upright Card

Highlighting the Importance of the Upright Card/Drawing Attention to a Particular Card

Early stage of the Upright Card. Its energy still immature and not at full strength.

Resistance/Rejection to the Upright Meaning

Subconscious Urges

Return to the Message of the preceding Upright Card (unfinished business)

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