Chariot 7

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Here we take The Fool takes the next stage of his journey through life as we meet The Chariot. A man rides out-of-town in a chariot, standing tall, strong and determined. He is dressed in battle attire and holds a wand in one hand. One his shoulders rest crescent moons with blue faces. His belt and lower garments are decorated with symbols. A star covered veil acts as a canopy over the chariot. The front of the chariot is decorated with blue wings and below the wings is the symbol of Isis who is the ancient Egyptian goddess of magic and mothers.

Two sphinxes pull the chariot forward. One is black and one is white which is a reminder of the pillars in The High Priestess . These sphinxes once again represent duality or opposing forces. The Chariot appears to rest partially in water and on land again representing duality. In order for him to keep his chariot moving forward the man will have to gain control of these opposing forces. This is no easy job. One sphinx represents the heart and the other, the head so we have a mix of emotions and practicality, masculine and feminine. The man is mature enough to understand that he will get no where in life unless he learns how to control both his animal instincts and his emotions. His battle dress suggests that he is prepared to put in the necessary hard work to do just this.

If he lets the black sphinx have his way then he risks becoming too emotional and letting worries and his imagination run riot. He will achieve nothing. If he lets the white sphinx have free-rein well he may end up in trouble and many battles as he becomes aggressive and lacks compassion. Tenacity and self-discipline is indicated in his strong and determined stance.

The Chariot card in a number VII and with all the sevens in the Tarot the message is to not give up, to hang on in there and be determined. Keep going and through sheer hard work and commitment he will succeed or be victorious. He must maintain a forward momentum. He must not doubt himself or his abilities, he must not let the sphinxes know of his fears. He must keep the wheels of The Chariot turning.

The man in The Chariot has control of great power at this point and whatever this card is connected to in life it demands completion. The journey he has set out on has got to be completed. Commitments need to be fulfilled. His success depends on his steely nerve now and on his control. Unless he is prepared for this journey and the hard work and effort it will demand of him he should not commit himself to it. It will be too late to change his mind halfway down the road when he looses control of the sphinxes. He has learnt a lot so far in his journey and carries with him the knowledge of all the preceding cards. The wreath he wears around his head once again confirms his victory and success. He is master of his own destiny as he drives his chariot forward.

The Chariot along with The Moon card and any of the Cups Court Cards represents the sign of Cancer. As we have already discovered with Cancer, part of the challenge they face in life is to control their emotions. Because this card represents Cancer and the fact that Cancerians are generally emotional, gentle and nurturing it seems out-of-place that they be represented by an apparent strong masculine card. However, Cancerians also are known for their sometimes frosty, hard exterior as in the crabs shell (the crab being the symbol of Cancer).

The Chariot may then suggest that appearances can be deceiving. This man may have the presence of a hard disciplined soldier in charge of these strong beasts but beneath it he is soft and emotional. Behind that hard exterior he may be crying out for help. Or maybe, he, like the crab, has his defences up for some reason or other.

The Chariot struggles to keep his feelings and fears under control. The sphinxes just see life in black and white and given the chance would dash off in opposite directions. The man in The Chariot positions himself between the two which allows him a better chance to listen to their individual needs, thus allowing him to balance the energies and drive them forward to a common goal.

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