High Priestess 2

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Feminine Principle, Subconscious, Higher-Self, Spirituality, Deep Feelings, Understanding, Passivity, Non-active, Intuition, Reflection, Receptive, Retreat, Withdraw, Solitude, Space, Time Alone, Calm, Peace, Patience, Distant, Independent, Self-Sufficient, Inner Resources, Following your Own Path, Inner Voice/Vision, Insight, Inner-Work, Guardian, Wisdom, Esoteric/Occult, Knowledge – Teaching/Learning, Spirituality, Meditation, Pious, Wise/Mysterious Woman, Pious/Sanctimonious, Counselling, Advice, Mystery, Secrets, Hidden, Concealment, Undercurrents, Hidden Agendas, Motives, Confidences, Memories, Fertility, Birthing, Hormones, Women's Cycles, Moods, Dreams, Past Lives, Imagination, Balancing Masculine/Feminine Aspects, Sowing Seeds, Germination of Ideas/Plans, Inner Potential, Realising your Talents/Gifts

Astrological Association – The Moon – The Primal Feminine Principal, Unconscious, Intuitive, Mysterious, Memories, Past, Moods. Water

Sun Sign – Pisces – Together with the Hanged Man and Page of Cups, The High Priestess represents the sun sign of Pisces. Pisceans are connected with spirituality and psychic abilities. They are dreamers who often appear to be far away on another plane of existence. Their challenge is to maintain their spiritual gifts whilst remaining and functioning in the physical. The real world can often appear harsh to Pisceans. They need to find balance between the spiritual and the physical.

Kabbalistic Tree of Life – Walks the 13th Path from Kether (Crown/Source) to the 6th Sephira, Tipareth (Beauty/Balance/Spirituality/The Son of God)

Hebrew Letter – Gimel – Camel (able to sustain itself in the desert and in times of drought by carrying its own resources within)

The High Priestess is also associated with the Four Two's of The Minor Arcana . Both Justice XI (1+1=2) and The Judgement Card XX (2+0=2).

The Sixth Sephira lies half way between The Divine Source in Kether and the physical or purely world focus of Malkuth (Kingdom/Physical World). Tipareth's role is that of the converter and harmoniser. All spiritual energy from the source must pass through Tipareth to become physical and all returning physical energy must pass through likewise to become spiritual. The pure energy of each Sephira on its own is not possible. Tipareth on The Tree of Life , is unique in the fact that it is connected to all the other Sephiroth except Malkuth (Kingdom/Physical World). Tipareth acts to balance and integrate all of the other Sephirot energies in order to create harmony. Tipareth (Balance/the son of God) bridges the divide between The Divine God and the physical world.

The Fool developed Conscious awareness and the Masculine Force in The Magician as he traveled to Binah, but conscious awareness on its own is useless without a balancing Unconscious and Feminine Source, for that is how the Law of The Universe works. The Fool was shown what he could do in The Magician, and told that he had all the tools available to him. However, he must dwell on these matters now before making any hasty decisions. He must think deeply about what it is he wants to do with his new-found knowledge. To do this The Fool must now develop a new kind of knowledge. He must develop his Unconscious Awareness, and in doing so will gain access to his intuition, inner vision and inner voice. He must understand and utilise his inner knowledge and hidden depths if he is to succeed in his quest or indeed survive at all. It is through his Unconscious Awareness and Higher-Self that he will maintain his connection to the source as he travels the road to Tipareth .

As he ventures along the 13th Path he encounters his Higher Self and Unconscious Awareness for the first time in the form of The High Priestess . The Fool will come to rely on her energy and knowledge when he encounters dark and lonely times. He will learn to understand that she may be the only one he can truly and honestly rely on after receiving ill advice and guidance from others and even his own ego. After running down several blind alleys and after making some disastrous choices he will learn to trust her like he trust's no one else; for she knows him inside and out like no other. The High Priestess is the guardian and keeper of all Esoteric and Occult knowledge. However, The Fool must earn her respect and trust in turn, before she will reveal her arcane knowledge and share it with him. He must deem himself worthy.

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