Day one (with gifts)

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Jimin's pov

It was one of days off given to me by my second mom Jin. Maybe I should call him that in the restaurant and see how he acts. I let out a little giggle just imagining his reaction. I'm alone in the house and the main reason was my scent, that just fucking blown up the house. When Hoseok can back from work, he looked at me and left. He called me saying to take care of my scent.

Boy tell me how. I tried everything to make it leave but it didn't work and now the whole house smells like tropical fruits and vanilla frosting for some strange reason. And I'm not opening no windows. I have no neighbors but Alpha hounds can smell my scent from a very far distance and I'm not stupid.

I still can't get over the fact that HOSEOK LEFT ME HERE ALL ALONE. I'm too damn majestic to be left alone and Jin Hyung agreed with me. Mama Jin and I was talking not to long ago and he went on about how he was going to destroy Hoseok for leaving his child alone at a time like this.

True words. He also told me that he will come and keep me company tomorrow and close the shop for the day. Then he started to graphically tell me how he will slice and dice Hoseok and that shit was sickening.

I was making me some stew kimchi jjigae (cause that some good food right there) when the doorbell rang. I can never get no peace. "I'm coming". I heavenly shouted at the door. I place my hand on the door first to sense if it was a Alpha. Human. I let out a sigh of relief.

Yes, we live with humans as well as vampires, hybrids, and werewolves. Yes, there's a difference between us and werewolves. What is it? We turned into wolfs and they turn into very hairy people with big ass claws and wide ass feet that screams we a pedicure asap.

I opened the door and met a decent looking human male delivery man. "Yes?". I drip some honey in my voice when I spoke to him. "Uhhh....". Aww now he's stuck on stupid... adorable. I snapped my fingers in his face to stop him from drooling and he coughs. "I'm sorry, I have some packages for a Mr. Park Jimin?". He says. 'Packages?'. I didn't order anything. Thinking that they were from Hoseok I signed for them.

"Alright bring them in". The delivery man yelled in the packing lot. The fuck? That sounded like a I had a lot of packages. "Woah woah woah". I put my hand up. "How many packages are there exactly?". I asked. "Hmm.. About 60". He said. "Sixty?!??!". I put my hand on the door in order to stop myself from fainting.

They put all these damn boxes in my living room and I tip them of course. The delivery man turns around and gives me a letter. "What's this and don't say a letter cause I can see that." He chuckles. "The person that order these and I kid you not threaten me to give you this letter". He shivers.

Ok so Hoseok didn't send these. He's a sweetheart he will NEVER threaten anyone even if you deserved it... Jin Hyung will though. I hold in my laugh.

I put my hand on the guys shoulder and he blushes. "Tell him I say thank you and don't worry about that meanie ok?". I said. The poor guy was scared, I had to cheer him up. He put on a big smile and said ok and leaves. Now... All these boxes. I put up my middle finger at all of them. "Thanks for ruining my afternoon". I spat.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!!". I was screaming like a whale at all the gifts.

 I was screaming like a whale at all the gifts

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