The dark is near

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                      JIMIN'S POV

The moment I hear that voice say that I end up back to Kisen's awaken place again.

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And face with Kisen and Yun... Together? I thought they hated each other?

 Together? I thought they hated each other?

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'Hello snack". Yun says and looks me up and down.

"You disgust me, hello again my Goddess". Kisen said and bowed. "Kisen? Yun? what happen? What darkness?". I ask them and they look at each other. "A darkness that is greater then the Hunavent". Kisen says blankly.

"Wh-what?". I thought we only had to deal with that group but we have something stronger coming. "Do you know what it is?". I asked them.

"Something that is darker then me". Yun states. I looked at him scared. Kisen told me that Yun was the darkest shit on earth, so what the fuck was darker then him?.

"Calm yourself Jimin, I said darker not stronger". Yun says. "What?". I blink to him. "Yes, whatever that thing is, is darker then me but I'm still the strongest dark being in creation, so don't fret". Yun said with a smile and I almost shit my pants. "So why can't you do anything about it?". I raise a brow to Yun.

"Because I can't fight other beings of darkness". He told me. "And why's that?". I asked.

"Cause I created it, I'm the father and creator of all that is dark". I look at him like he was crazy. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!". I yelled at him. All the darkness in this world, all the pain people had to go though, all this hate that clouds people mind was his fault! I feel my Goddess side trying to get out but Yun says something that shook me.

"Why is there light in this world?". He questioned me. "What?". What does he mean why is there light in this world? I couldn't think of a answer and put my head down.

"Exactly, What people don't understand is that one thing needs other to balance itself, without darkness, there will always be light and that wouldn't be good for this world and without light, the dark will consume this planet faster, I created this darkness to create balance cause without it this world will fall into chaos". Yun tells me strongly.

I look at him in admiration. I jumped ahead of myself. Yun was right. Light needed darkness and darkness needed light. Even though darkness was ruining the world, it was needed. I felt weird saying that. I chuckled. And Kisen and Yun looks at me.

"The world has something that it didn't need but was going to get it anyway, wasn't it Yun?". He stares at me. "The things with light will have made darkness anyway right?". I turn to Yun and he smiles.

"You understand now Goddess? The world needs as much light as possible and I wanted to keep it that way". Yun nodded at me. "You created darkness so we can keep our light?". Kisen who was silent for a while says in surprise.

"I did". Yun says proudly. "Yo-you... Thank you". Kisen said in a whispers and shock both Yun and I.

"Did you just thank me?". Yun was staring at Kisen with wide eyes the whole time. "I did, the world would not be how it is right now without you and we would not have Jimin as our new Goddess". Kisen smiles. "Kisen". I say in a teary voice.

"He's right Jimin, that other Goddess was a bitch". Yun growled and Kisen and I laugh. I need to ask him men up Jimin!.

"Yeah Jimin man up". Yun gave me a play glare. I flick him off and asked him. "So you and Yoongi are one correct?". I asked

"Correct". Yun replies. "So what are you and Yoongi? And don't say darkness, I want a name". I sassed and Yun chuckles.

"Yoongi and I are why people are scared of the dark, why people have fear and have nightmares..."

"We are Kolive, God of nightmares, fear, and darkness".

Omega's love (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now