Being "those" friends

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                    JIMIN'S POV

When Yoongi was pulled away by mom Hyung, I was ambushed by his pack.

"Are you ok?!?". "We were so worried!". "Who kidnapped you!?!". "Yeah to hell with our Alpha! Who did this!!?!". They all were shouting left and right and I was getting dizzy.

"Back your asses up NOW!". SinGi ordered and they all moved away from me. "Thank you for that SinGi". I smiled and he blushed. "N-no problem Lu-Luna". He stuttered and walked away. Aww!

After that was over, I grabbed Hoseok, TaeHyung and Dylan into the other living room to talk because I saw everything.

After that was over, I grabbed Hoseok, TaeHyung and Dylan into the other living room to talk because I saw everything

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"Alright bitches, I want you all serve the tea and it better be hot". I look at them all and they put their heads down. "What are you talking about?". Dylan asked. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a broken tape recorder that replays the same thing over and over again, so I'll make this brief". I said

I pointed to TaeHyung first. "You and Jungkook mated". I said and pointed to Hoseok. "You and Caesar mated". I finished and then pointed to Dylan. "And your mates with SinGi". I said and they all blushed. I sat down with my cup of wine in hand. I took a sip and asked them. "Who's first?".

"I'll g-go". Hoseok said and I turn to him. "Serve your tea". I said giggling. "Umm... mines was unexpected". He says and plays with his fingers. "Your tea is getting cold and I'm about to throw it out". I said and sipped my wine.

"Ok! Ok! God". Hoseok rolls his eyes and continues. "When you went everything went into a uproar". He pauses and went on. "I was beyond upset and hurt". He says sadly. "I'm walking to the sink". I said and swirled my glass in my hand. "Alright!".

"We were going to to sleep but I was grabbed by Caesar and pulled into his room". He said blushing. "I'm reheating the tea". I said and sat up. "Then what?". I asked him. "Well...". He told us what happen in there and I don't know about Tae and Dylan but that shit turned me on. "That was some good ass tea". I clapped to Hoseok and his tea serving. "Next".

TaeHyung raised his hand. "Now I would be mad at you for mating in my house, but your heat came didn't it?". I asked and he nodded. "I wanted to go home but every time Kookie touched me, it turned me on". Tae said.

"So, serve your tea". I told him. "So when we were finished cleaning, we decided to stay there". He said then went on. "I went to use the bathroom to shower then bam heat". Tae laughs at his self and we joined him.

"I was in a lot of pain, so I called for Jungkook, he came but he was staring at me with so much lust that I almost came right then and there, long story short we had sex in your shower, like 10 times". He finished saying and I was mortified.

I look at Hoseok and he looked like he was going to throw up. "We're moving". We said to each other using our wolfs. "Wait! Can I give the details!?!". He says while bouncing up and down. "Sure". I smile at him. Then he explained everything.

He was not innocent at all. This kid is nasty and Jungkook was just as sick. Both Dylan and Hoseok ran to the bathroom and I threw out my wine. I want that house gone. He made me not want to shower, use soap, use a shower head, and a toothbrush never again. "What?". Tae tilts his head at me. "That was disturbing but the tea was serve".

Dylan clears his throat and starts his tea. "There's not that much to tell really". He rubs his neck. "I walked in the living room with Hoseok then boom, mates". Dylan says. "And after?". I said. "Huh?". He looks at me. "I'm not a tape recorder". I look back at him to remind him what I said earlier. Dylan blushed. "He uhh started to get touchy after that". He blushed even more. "Do serve". I told him. "Ok".

Dylan went on and told us how they been making out and touching each other ever since they knew they were mates. He also said that SinGi gave him a necklace with his family's name craved in it.

"Aww!". We squealed loudly and Dylan blushed ten times harder. A knock came from the door and we jumped. Dylan and Hoseok pulled out guns. "Really?". I gave them a weird look and they shrugged at me.

I went to open the door and saw our Alphas standing there. "Yoon-Yoon!". I ran to him and check for any scars. "Did they hurt you? Did Jin poison you? How many fingers am I holding up?". I put up two fingers and he kissed me. "Your holding the amount of fingers that I want to put inside you". He said quietly in my ear and licks my neck. "Mmm". I put my head back.

I pulled myself together and moved from him. I look around and we were alone. Red alert! I'm alone with Yoongi. The lights was turned off and was replaced with some red ones. "Well then kitten...". Yoongi slowly made his way to me.

"Let's play".

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