Day three (working and the creep)

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I woke up breathing fresh air. 'Fresh?'. My scent was gone! I started to dance around my room accidentally waking up Flower. "Oops. I'm sorry Princess". I said and she meows, stretches and walk to my bathroom, maybe to use her litter box. She's a smart kitten.

I thought Jin left early, so I went downstairs wearing my underwear and a T-shirt. I screamed seeing him making food in my kitchen. "Good morning". Jin eyes me up and down. "Child how dare you present yourself to me like that? Go wash up and put some damn clothes on, breakfast will be ready shortly". Jin said. "Ok mom". I said defeated and went to my room.

Like always, his food was divine. I'm chowing down when Jin Hyung spoke up. "Since your scent is gone you can work again". Jin said and I start choking. "I don't know mom". I yawned. "I'm still pretty tired". I whined. "Aww my poor baby". Jin coos and pinches my cheeks, then violently tugs them.

"OUCH!". I yelled. "You will be tired of how many times I put my foot in your ass now won't you?". Jin grins. "You didn't let me finish I just needed a shower to wake me up". I said and he let go of my cheeks. "Well why did you say so?". Jin laughed. "Now hurry up and finish so you can get ready". I nodded and continue eating.

"Hurry up Jimin!". Jin yells from downstairs. "I'm coming". I yelled quietly. Jin made a Mario uniform for the restaurant which we had to wear. "Yuppie". I groaned and walked downstairs and was blinded with flashing lights. I grab the railing in order to not break my fucking neck.

"Oh my goodness how can you be so fucking cute!". Jin says, taking a million damn pictures of me. "Mom, for the love of me stop". I shielded my eyes from the light. "Sorry". Jin chuckled and finally stopped taking the pictures.

"Wait what about Flower?". I looked down at Flower who was staring at me with her beautiful eyes. "Bring her, my restaurant is animal friendly after all". Jin jokes. "No mom just no". I grabbed Flower and my things and walked out my house. "Bitch that was classic".

We opened to shop together and was immediately greeted by the workers and they made eye contact with me. Lovely. The restaurant was packed within a hour. Jin said that a lot of the costumers missed me. Hell, I would miss me too.

They really didn't miss me though, they missed staring at me with lust. Horny assholes. I was swinging my hips on purpose just to get a rise of them and it worked. Some of the Alphas almost killed each other to go to the bathroom. Alphas really do disgust me.

My break was here and I went to my office to read and hold Flower, who was a very good girl in the shop. She needed a treat. I place Flower in a play pin that I had someone build for her and was about to start reading but two cars across the street caught my attention.

 I place Flower in a play pin that I had someone build for her and was about to start reading but two cars across the street caught my attention

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