Lazy lovers

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                   JIMIN'S POV

I woke up the next morning because of three things. One, I had to see Yoongi's sleeping face and he was stunning. He looked like a cat and he sleeps in a ball with his hands between his legs. Omg he's so damn adorable. The second thing, my scent. I was fucking choking off my own scent that changed again.

My new scent was lilacs and plain vanilla. The vanilla scent never leaves. The last things was the most important, my mark I want to see what it looks like and it better be as beautiful as me. I jump out of my bed and ran to the bathroom to see it and boy was it something else.

 I jump out of my bed and ran to the bathroom to see it and boy was it something else

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I gasp. It was more beautiful then I imaged. I didn't even know that a mark can have color. Then again I am a Goddess so that's properly why. "Is that your mark?". Yoongi's voice said behind me and a pair of arms went around me waist. "It is". I said and kissed his cheek. "It's fucking beautiful". He said and kissed it. I let out a little giggle.

"Why is it so colorful? It's still pretty though". Yoongi asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. I'll tell him I'm a Goddess soon. "Come hun I'm lazy and I'm not going to work today". I said. "Now your speaking my language I am the King of laziness". He says that and runs to my room. He's so cute.

I went to feed Flower who was just hissing and attacking Yoongi. "JIMIN! COME GET HER BEFORE I ACCIDENTALLY BREAK HER LITTLE NECK!". Yoongi yells from my living room and I run to help him. I walk in and see Flower scratching Yoongi on his face and chest since he decided to walk around without a shirt on. I bet would never do that again. "FLOWER OFF NOW!". I shouted at her and she leaps off Yoongi and comes running to me.

"Bad girl, why are you attacking him?". I say to the evil little kitten. She just turns her head and hisses at Yoongi but he just smirks at the her. "Yo cat if this was about last night YOU left the room on your own and if you think that I was hurting your mom then yes I was but in a VERY GOOD sexual way". Yoongi proudly states and Flower tries to pounce herself towards Yoongi but I held her back.

"Flower calm down I'm fine mama's fine". I say trying to sooth my Princess down. "No let her go, I throw these hands, lets go cat". Yoongi said and puts up his fists. "Ok". I let her go. "Wait it was a jo.... HELP!!!!". Flower continues her attack on him. They love each other.

After Flower let's all her rage out she's purrs at me when I give her a hug. I put her down and she went to eat her food. I walk back to the living room to help Yoongi with his battle wounds.

"Fucking crazy ass cat, attacking me for no damn reason, the hell is her problem she has to share you.. No scratch that I ain't sharing you with that crazy ass feline, this is way I like dogs more, I'ma have her ass put down watch me". Yoongi complained the whole time while I clean the scratches on his body. I put pressure on a wound I was cleaning and he hissed. "The hell Jimin". He looks at me with anger.

"Your not going to touch my fucking child while I still breath and if I hear that you did I will have sex with another Alpha in front of you while your tied up, hanging from your damn neck and wearing a fucking tutu do you understand me Min Yoongi?". I said like a manic. "O-ok babe". He says quietly. "Good now stay the fuck still".

I went to call mom Hyung and tell him that I wasn't coming in today. Not knowing that I forget to work yesterday and he wanted to kill me. The phone was answer but I didn't say anything cause the voice scared me shitless.

"You think I forget about you huh Jimin? Well I didn't and for you to push my brother to stop my bloodrage was uncalled for, I'm on my way back from getting my kill toys, I got a chainsaw, a gallon of acid, a box cutter,fishing hooks and some bar wires I'll be there in about 15 minutes". Before he hung up I shouted "I JUST FINISHED MATING!". *click* He hung up. Good bye world.

I ran to Yoongi for comfort. "What's wrong Queen?". He says worriedly. "I just want to say before I die that I love you so much Yoongi and that will never ever change". He stares at me with horror. "WHY!?! Did I do something! Jimin please". I stopped him.

"Yoon, Jin is coming to destroy me". I says and he sighs. "You almost gave me a fucking heartattack and don't worry I'll protect you". He said and rubs my back. Then we heard banging. "Stay here". "Ok". Yoongi's protection was in vain.

"GET THE FUCK OUT MY WAY!!!". I heard something hit the floor hard. Oh my god, he killed Yoongi. I'm going to die. Flower mama's loves you even though you left me and hid somewhere in the house. My room door was opened violently. Mom Hyung grabs me and starts to check my body.

"How was it? Was he gentle? Did he force you? Are you in pain? Does a bitch need to call the cops? Did you use protection? I'm too fabulous for grandkids right now". Mom Hyung was throwing question after question at me. I wasn't paying attention. Why?

Protection. Something we both didn't use. Shit.

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