We fighting in the club

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My damn head hurts. I slowly being to open my eyes. 'Where?'. I look around to see where I was. A damn hospital bed. Nope. I gotta leave. I tried to get up but someone stops me.

"Easy there no need to rush". I hear a male nurse tell me and I rolled my eyes. "The cops will be here shortly". The nurse said. 'Bitch who?'. I had to replay what he just said. Cops? The fuck I do? I don't remember anything. I'm PANICKING!

"Sir... You didn't do anything". He says. That's not calming me down. "Some people found you and several other men just laying on the ground and you've been here ever since". He says and I sighed.

"How long was I here for?". I ask. "A week sir". A fucking week? Alright, no biggie. I'm starting to feel better so I stood up. Blue. I saw the color blue. I'm wearing scrubs. "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SUIT!?!?". I scream at the nurse. "It-it was dirty and torn s-so we threw it away". He says and I passed the fuck out.

I was awoken by voices around me. "Hello". Someone says. "Bite me". I scoffed. "Take it easy we just want to ask you some questions". I saw two cops. "Questions? Ok here, I don't know what happen, I don't know how I got there, I don't know what happen to those other guys, I don't remember anything and I lost a hundred thousands dollar SUIT! there I answered your questions can I leave?". I asked.

The cops looked at me like I was crazy and I was. "One more question". The cop said and  I growled at him. "What?". I just wanna go home. "Did you feel anything?".

Feel? I feel angry, that's what I feel. What type of dumbass question was that? I didn't feel any... Wait. "I-I did". I say doubting myself. "What did it feel like?". The officer ask me. "Warm". I answered. "I felt warm... Like there was a light or something that was touching me and it was calming me and making me feel safe". I said. 'What was that? That warm feeling? It relaxed me, It was soothing'.

"Just like the others". One cop said. "What?". I turned to him. "The other men said the same thing you did but they smelt something sweet". He said. "Sweet?". I tilt my head and then it hit me. "Vanilla". I thought I said to myself but I said it out loud. "Vanilla?". Both the officers said at the same time and I nodded. Vanilla.

I left the hospital wearing a white plain ass shirt, blue jeans, and the hospital shoes. I can't, I need some clothes. I walked into the nearest clothing store and brought black everything and a new suit.

 I walked into the nearest clothing store and brought black everything and a new suit

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'I'm so sexy'. I laughed. While I was walking, a Alpha thought he was funny and bumped me on purpose. You know what was funnier? Me, snapping his neck in five different places. However, his friends didn't laugh at my joke. They started to chase after me when I ran.

I could have killed them all but I just brought these clothes, so no. I lost them but one of them dropped a card. "Oh?". I picked it up and it's a club business card. "How nice". I smirk. I'll see them soon... But I have to do my visitation rights. JOONIE!


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So I lied to Jimin when I said that has door was unlocked. Click. Just like I did to Jimin, I broke into Namjoon's house. I wouldn't have too if he would give me a key. I push the door open and see chaos. Everyone was running back and forth like they were looking for a child.

"What's happening here?". I said and the chaos stopped. "Yo-Yoongi?". Jungkook says with a shakey voice. Before I could corrected him... Wack. A shoe flew at me and hit me in the head. I hissed.

"WHO THE FUCK THREW THAT?!?". I shouted. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!". Namjoon said coming in the room screaming at me. "JOONIE! This is friend abuse". I said with fake pain in my voice. "FUCK YOU! WHERE WERE YOU!?!?". Everyone was confused. "I'll explain". Namjoon sighs and walks to his office followed by Young and a weirded out Jungkook.

"So, this is Soul?". Young said and Namjoon nodded. "And you've been in the hospital for a week?". Jungkook asked and I nodded. It went quiet for a while till I broke it with a clap. "Hey... Let's go clubbing". I say with excitement and they all look at me.

 I say with excitement and they all look at me

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We pulled up to the club that had a name very fitting to my mood right now, play. "Why are we here?". Namjoon turns to me asking. "Got some beef with the people that owns this place". I said and got out the car. "Oh goody I get to kill". Jungkook squeals. "Remember what Yoongi told you". I said and Jungkook starts to thinks and then he sadly walks over to Young.

The VERY moment I stepped in the club, I shot my gun off and killed the D.J. "Good evening ladies and gentleman!". My voice boomed in the quiet club. "Don't mind us we are here to talk to my friends". I grinned and everyone starts to scream.

"SILENCE!". Young shouts and shuts them up and I shook my head. "See I WAS gonna keep y'all alive but all that screaming pissed me off and I changed my mind". I darkly said. "Kill them all". I ordered and Jungkook wasted no time and pouches on the dance floor. "Let's have fun". I said and walk off.

I fucking destroyed those bastards. I was very happy. Jungkook was SUPER happy. Young look like he was so done with us all and Namjoon was giving me the I want to kill you look. "Today was a good day". I laughed.

'I want to see Jimin'.... Yoongi?

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