Saying I love you

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I flew (yes flew) from Jin's house. I am too damn pretty to get hit. Taehyung and I spilt up a while ago. I may or may not pushed him as a peace offering to Jin. Let the jury know once again, I'm too pretty to get hit. I'm walking to my house now cause Flower, my pretty little princess was scared of flying and I see someone sitting on my front porch.

 I'm walking to my house now cause Flower, my pretty little princess was scared of flying and I see someone sitting on my front porch

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"Soul? What are you doing here?". I say to him. "Its Yoongi... He wants to see you."

We enter the house and I put Flower down to talk to Soul privately. "I-is it ok if I see him?". I honestly would love to see him again, I miss him. But I wouldn't see him if he's wasn't ok. "He's fine now I can feel it, the question is, are you ready to face him?". Soul asked. "Yes". I answer him quickly and Soul just smile at me. Soul huffed and walks to me and kisses my cheek.

"Alright, it's been fun while it lasted but I'm telling you Jimin if he hurts you again or hurts anyone like he did to those Betas, I'm locking him away for good and keep you for myself". Soul said and I smile. "Ok see you later Soul and thank you for taking care of him I really appreciate it". I said. "N-no problem". Soul blushes while saying that.

Soul closes his eyes and I saw black mist form around him. And the moment I saw mint I ran.

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"Jimin?". Yoongi said. Jimin, that was the first thing he says. He said in the voice I missed so damn much. Everything felt right. The way I'm feeling when I hugged him, his beautiful deep voice, his hair color and this moment right now felt so good. "Yoongi". I say while crying. "Yoongi". I said and I hugged him tighter. "Yoongi". I said this time with love. He hugs me tight.

"God, I missed you SO much I'm sorry and I know you're tired of hearing me say that but I'm so sorry for everything I put you through and I will never forgive myself for what I did to you". Yoongi says and I continued to hug him tightly trying to ease what he had to deal with alone when I wasn't with him. I need him and he needs me. We need each other. I kissed him deeply and he kissed me back.

"I love you". We said at the same time and kissed again. Then I said something that surprised even me.

"Yoongi.... Mate me".

Omega's love (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now