Merry Minmas!

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Jimin's POV

Jimin's POV

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I woke up at five in the morning cause I'm a big ass baby and wanted to open my presents. "Come on baby, lets go get our presents". I said and picked up my baby.

 I said and picked up my baby

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"Who's my pretty princess? You are! Yes you are! You're my pretty Angel!". I tickled her neck and she giggled. "You're so cute!!!". I squealed. "My pretty Nayoung". I kissed her cheek. "Lets hurry up before your siblings open them all".

 "Lets hurry up before your siblings open them all"

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"Hi mum!". I smiled at Suna. "Hello sweetie". I kissed her head. "We already started opening the gifts". Min-ki said. "Don't get hurt". I hissed at him. "Sorry". Min-ki chuckled and Sehoon bit him. "Ow! What's your problem!?!". Min-ki yelled. "Stop being mean to mummy". Sehoon says with a dark smile on his face. He's my psycho baby.

"Thank you baby". I said. "You're welcome mummy!". Sehoon smiled at me. "Now hurry up and open the gifts so your father can clean up again this year". I told them. "Ok!". My kids said and I opened a door.

 My kids said and I opened a door

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"Be free my children". I said and my kids ran to open their presents. "Min-ki your gifts are green, Suna, yours is yellow and Sehoon yours is black". I said. "And yours my little princess is white". I booped Nayoung's nose and opens her presents as well as mines. "Look baby! Daddy got you a cute little dress!". I said. "Umm... Mum". I turned to Suna who pointed to Sehoon.

I saw Sehoon swinging a sword around. "You are five! Who the hel... Jin". I took the sword from Sehoon. "Mum!". Sehoon whined. "No... Open something else". I said and Sehoon groaned and opens the rest of his gifts. I watched my kids open their presents in horror. Jin gave Min-ki a gun, Suna a machete and Nayoung a flare gun.

"What the hell is wrong with him!?!". I took every weapon away from them. "He's trying to kill my damn kids". I rolled my eyes. "What's wrong with a gun?". Min-ki asked. "What wro... You're ten!". I yelled. "But I'm responsible". Min-ki smiled at me. "Get out before I smack you out". I hissed. "Appa is coming". Sehoon said.

"Shit... Run!". I shouted and my kids and I shattered all around the house. "JIMIN! KIDS! GET IN HERE AND CLEAN THIS SHIT!". Yoongi screamed and I laughed. Nayoung smiled and I awed at her. "JIMIN!!!". I heard Yoongi's voice getting closer to me. "You can hide your scent but Nayoung can't". Yoongi says in a cocky voice.

"Shit". I looked down at Nayoung smelling her lavender scent. "Why?". I groaned and Nayoung puts her hand in her mouth. "Found you". I immediately hit Yoongi in his nose. "What the hell!?!". Yoongi held his nose. "Don't sneak up on me like that... I got scared". I pouted. "Really? You tried to kill me!". Yoongi yelled. "You have to get over that". I said.

"It happened yesterday!". Yoongi shouted. "Let the past be in the past". I waved my hand at him and Yoongi growled at me. "Now stop wasting time, we need to send our family Christmas card". I said and walked away. "Kids! Come on! Its card time!". I shouted and heard running. "I got my dress mum". Suna said. "Good girl". I pat her head.

"This is stupid". Min-ki crossed his arms. "So get out... I tell you this every year and you always apologize". I said. "I... I'll take the picture". Min-ki said. "Good". I giggled. "Ready mummy!". Sehoon says glaring at Min-ki. "Is he being bad? I can hit him in his throat again!". Sehoon said. "No he... Again?". I looked down at Sehoon who just smiled at me.

"Uh... Just sit next to your sister". I told him. "Ok!". Sehoon grinned. "He's five... Why is he crazy?". Yoongi asked. "Cause you keep letting Xia, Chimson and Yun watch him". I scoffed. "My bad". Yoongi chuckled. "Whatever". I rolled my eyes. "Places people!". I clapped my heads. "I'm going to start the flash and if anyone of you...". I looked at Min-ki. "What?". Min-ki said.

"If anyone messes up... You will go to your grandparents house for new years". I smirked. "No!!!". Min-ki yelled. "I-I won't mess up! So please don't send me there!". Suna sniffs. "I don't want grass ice cream anymore". Sehoon says about to cry. "Stop scaring my pups Jimin". Yoongi glared at me. "I wasn't scaring them... I was telling them what was going to happen".

"Jimin...". "Smile!". I said and sat next to Yoongi.




"Merry Minmas!".❄

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