The hot wolf

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               YOONGI'S POV

I was so fucking pissed. TaeHyung and Jimin were kidnapped and my friends won't let my brother and I out to help find them. But we didn't care. We managed to break a window and ran to find our mates. "We need to spilt up". Jungkook said and I nod.

"That is not needed". Kisen voice was heard from above and we see him and TaeHyung. "Beauty!". Jungkook wasted no time and ran to him. "Kookie!". They hug tightly. Yeah that's great. "Kisen, where's Jimin?"

"Forgive Alpha Min but the Goddess told me to help TaeHyung out". Kisen tells me. "That wasn't the fucking answer to my question, I asked you where is Jimin?". I said like a maniac. "You should have seen him Yoongi he was a damn badass!"

TaeHyung's cheerful voice almost cure my anger almost. "What are you talking about?". Jungkook asked. "Well Jimin's wolf came out and kicked some ass!". TaeHyung said.

What?. "What are you talking about?". I've never seen his wolf before. "His wolf made Kookie's crazy side look like a bitch". TaeHyung hit my brother's arm and he growled. "Don't worry Yoongi he's coming, now let's go Kookie, I need a massage". TaeHyung smiles and I see my brother smirk at him.

They held hands and left. "The Goddess will arrived later but for now sleep". What? Next thing I know I'm asleep.

I wake up to a loud sound coming from downstairs and I leave my bed upset. I see everyone coming out of theirs room at the same time. Why didn't they go home yet? We all go downstairs and someone waiting for us.

 Why didn't they go home yet? We all go downstairs and someone waiting for us

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"It's about damn time". Jimin? We all stare at him. "I'm not Jimin". He looks at me saying that. "Hi wolfie!". TaeHyung says in glee. "I'll let you call me that and ONLY you". He glares at us. But I know they didn't care because just like me, they were drawn to this wolf's sexual aura.

"Calm your horny asses down". He told us and sat down with his legs cross which we watch him do. Holy shit, his wolf is hot. I bit my lip and watch Jimin's wolf drink a glass of champagne slowly. Fuck.

"Fucking nasty ass bastards, I can feel all of you eye sexing me and that shit needs to stop". He said. "Ok so two things, one there will be no Jimin till I make a potion to help him get his powers back and two I'm Chimson, make fun of my name and I will fucking kill you I don't give a damn who you are and that includes you TaeHyung". Chimson said with a happy smile.

"What do you mean about Jimin's powers?". Hoseok asked. "He was injected with something called Jaha, it's a plant that can weaken or take away a Goddess powers but as lucky as Jimin was it only took away his powers momentarily, however I can make a potion to get his powers back quicker but that will take some time". Chimson tells to Hoseok but I didn't hear anything cause I was watching his mouth move just like everyone else. "Umm". One of my men said."What?". Chimson gave him a glare. "He's crying again".

Chimson rubs his head. "Y'all can't do shit right!". He barked at the man. "I'll be right back". Chimson walks out and we all watch him leave. The moment he leaves everyone attacks me. "Fucking share Yoongi!". Namjoon screams at me.

"Tae, you down for a threesome?". "Hell yeah". Jungkook and TaeHyung high fives each other. "I will fucking destroy him". Brock came out licking his lips. "Dylan, we taking turns with him right?" SinGi whispers to Dylan. "Yes". Dylan said lustfully. "I'm not sharing what's mine!". I shut them up.

Chimson comes back out carrying a baby. "I found him and I'm keeping him cause that's what Jimin wants to do, you have a damn problem with that?". Chimson glares at me. "N-no". I said scared. "Good, now shut the fuck up and I will never any of you fuck me... Well except for your dad." He pointed to Jin. "And for the record, I'm a top". He winks and leaves.

Bullshit. I'm the only top here wolf.

And I'll prove that to you. I smirked and went back to my room.

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