My strength

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                      JIMIN'S POV

"You will die".

The moment I said that, chaos erupted in the room. Everyone was shouting and yelling. Tae was crying his eyes out and his brother was trying to comfort him. 'You did say that you need something to help him right?'. Aluna asked me. I did, but all they heard was death. I just turn my head and look at them all yell and panic.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!". Jungkook's loud voice silence everyone. "Didn't y'all just hear what he said? he just needs to found something to get rid of it and instead of cheering for that piece of information, you all took the bad part out of it and cause a scene". Jungkook said in disappointment and they all put their heads down. "Jimin". He says and looks at me. "I believe in you". He flashes his bunny smile at me and I smile back. "Thank you".

"Can I ask you something now Jimin?". A person that decided to stay quiet for a long time asks. "Yes Yoongi?". I replied. "Where's your strength?". He asked me. Strength? I laugh. "I don't have any". I said weakly. "What?". Hoseok said. "I don't have any". I said again. "What does that mean?". Namjoon asked me.

"I wasn't the first Goddess". I told him. "That's why I can't do everything, I can only do what I taught myself to do, I could have helped everyone but I couldn't, all I could do was sit and watch like a bitch and see you all get hurt, I hate myself". I tear up when I say this and Tae quickly gave me a hug. "That wasn't my question".

I look over to Yoongi. "Huh?". I said. "That wasn't my question, I asked you what your strength was not for you to put yourself down and blame yourself for anything, if you want to cast blame to anyone blame their Alphas". He huffed. "Bitch what?". Namjoon growled and sat up. "Fuck you talking about?". Jungkook hissed. "Does that include me as well?". I hear Caesar whisper to Hoseok but he laughs to off.

"It includes you too bitch, y'all didn't protect your omegas like you should have and they were put in danger". Yoongi told them. They was going to speak but he continued. "And if my hutch is correct, Jimin helped you two when you needed it correct?". He raise a brow at them. They nodded. "Good, now Jimin, I'll ask you again, what is your strength?".

My strength?. "My strength is all of you guys". I said strongly. "What?". Jin says. "I felt stronger every time I knew if any of you were in danger, that's when I felt strong and useful, that's when I felt like I could do anything". I told him. "So did that answer your question Alpha?". I turn to Yoongi and giggled. Yoongi walks over to me and gave me a kiss.

"It did love, it did".

Omega's love (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now