Fake friend(Taekook)

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              TAEHYUNG'S POV

I was in a small panic. Why? Jin wasn't picking up his phone and its been the longest six hours of my life. I tried calling Jimin to ease my nerves but he wasn't picking up either. It's killing me not knowing what happen to my brother and best friend. I need to call someone. Kookie.

"Hello beauty, what's up?". I called Jungkook and he picks in one ring and I let out everything. "Jinisntpickinguphisphoneandimsuperworryabouthimandjiminisntansweringeitherimscaredandiwanttocryhelpmekookie". I voiced my concern to Jungkook and waited for a answer and waited and waited. "Oh! I got it!". I heard Jungkook exclaim over the phone.

"Kookie please!". I whine over the phone. "Ok ok look I'll see if Jin is at Namjoon's house and you go check on Jimin". He said. "OK! Love you". I hung up and got dressed to find the Goddess.

'So you gonna act like that didn't happen?'. My wolf Keon says while I walk to Jimin's house. Huh? What are you talking about? 'The conversation you had with Jungkook'. What is he talking about?. I don't know what you mean Keon. He sighs. 'Tae, I love you but your a little to slow for me, what did you say to him before you hung up?'.

I stop to remember the phone call I had with kookie. When did I start calling him that? 'Focus TaeHyung!'. Keon shouted at me. Ok damn. Then it all came back. 'Love you'. Ahhhh! I scream and blushed like crazy. 'Ding ding ding your correct Tae, here have a cookie or something else wink wink'. I shut him out. Bitch.


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I'm in front of Jimin's house I would be happy about it but I'm not. I see a bullet hole in his window and rushed inside. Blood. I see blood on the wall and I broke down. 'Tae, we need to get to a hospital now!'. Keon yells. I nodded in agreement and ran to the nearest hospital, praying that Jimin was ok.

I use my senses in order to find Jimin and there's always that one scent that he has that helps me, Vanilla. I'm running around the hospital looking for Jimin's room and I find it. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

 I took a deep breath and opened the door

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"Jimin...". I start crying and I ran over to him. He's ok, I'm so happy. 'Ok since your about to say it, he's looking like a damn snack right now, I can take him'. I can hear Keon whistling as he said that. I will end you Keon. He starts laughing but stops quickly. 'Someone's coming Tae we need to leave'. I look at Jimin one more time, kissed him on his head and I leave.

I'm skipping back home with ice-cream in my hand. I'm getting looks from people but I didn't care I was over the moon seeing how Jimin was ok. 'Your so weirdly cute that its sickening in a good way'. Keon says and I giggle. Why thank you Keon. I laugh. I'm just waiting to hear something on my brother and I'm throwing a party.

"TaeHyung". I hear my name being called and I turn around. 


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"Hiya Dy!". I waved to him happily but he just stared at me. "Are you ok?". I ask him but instead of saying something he walks to me.

'Something's up Tae, run!". Keon shouted but I was too slow. Dylan punched me in my stomach and I blacked out.

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