Getting closer

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It was Saturday and I don't have to go to work. Blessed. I stretched and said good morning to Flower but got nothing in return. Her head was turned to the window. I guessed she wanted me to look at there. I left my bed and open the curtain slowly.

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Stranger motherfucking danger. A car was outside my house. Hell no and I'm alone again. Nope just nope, I have a child in here. I felt Flower's paw on my foot. Don't worry Princess, mama's gonna protect you. I got my gun and butcher knife out my nightstand and locked my room door. Ding. My phone lit up. Stranger motherfucking danger pt2. Shit.

Me and my dumbass went to my phone and I saw Flower shake her head. "Don't fucking judge me I want to live". I told her and she flat out ignored me, walk to the bathroom and closed the door with her paw. "Fucking diva, I'm so proud". I sniffed. Ding. My phone went off again. Don't rush a Goddess you prick. I picked up my phone and unlocked it.

I'm outside love
Shit! That sounded creepy, its Yoongi so don't be scared.

The stalker got my number... Lovely. I went down stairs still with me butcher knife in hand and opened the door. "Hey baby". His voice is even sexier in the morning. I hate this man. I said nothing and waved the knife in his face which he skillfully took from me.

"Bad Queen you shouldn't be holding that, you could get hurt". Yoongi whispered in my ear and walked in my house. "Rude". I huffed and closed the door.

Yoongi was in the living room playing with Flower. 'How the hell did she get out the bathroom?'. I stared at her. "What's her name?". Yoongi asks. "Flower". I said. "Hmm, it's ok". Yoongi said. "What's wrong with it?". I had my hand on my hip. "There's a more beautiful name out there". Yoongi says while patting Flower. "And that is?". I said, ready to fight. "Jimin". Yoongi turns to look at me and I ran into my kitchen so he wouldn't see me blush.

Yoongi was staring at me the entire time since he followed me in the kitchen. I wasn't uncomfortable... Just cold?. Then I heard him laugh. "Finally realized huh?". Yoongi said and I look at him and he pointed at me. I look down at myself and I wanted to scream. I was only wearing my underwear.

I quickly grab the nearest apron and covered myself with it. "You have abs". Yoongi said and I looked at him and saw him lick his lips. "Sexy, I wanna know what they taste like". Yoongi smirked at me. "CREEP!". I shouted and ran to my room.

"Why are you here?". I was dressed and asked him curiously. "Oh!". Yoongi gasps. "We have a date". Yoongi stood up from my chair, walks to me and held out his hand. Before I said anything, he spoke up. "I paid for the food". Yoongi said and I grabbed his hand. "Let's go then". I said bye to Flower and pulled him to his car. Yoongi opened the passenger door for me. I said thank you and got in. He got in the car and we drove off.

Omega's love (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now