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                    JIMIN'S POV

"Caesar". Weird. I thought he would go home, so why is he here? I was going to talk but two screaming fanboys stops everything. "OH MY GOD!!!". The brothers shouted at the same time. They rushed Caesar and tackled him to the ground. Where are their manners?.

"Can you sigh my shirt?". "Bitch move, sign my child". The hell?. "Move elderly you need to seat down before you break your hip". Tae said. "I will rip out your ribcage and beat you with it, move out my way". Jin said. "Umm.... Y'all know him?".

They look at me with death in their eyes. No need to get murderous, it was just a fucking question. "You don't know who he is?". I shook my head. "Your no longer my best friend". Tae says with darkness in his voice. "You were adopted". Jin says with hate. Was that suppose to hurt me? "Gentleman please no need for that, Jimin is a very important friend to me". Caesar says smiling at the brother and they lost their minds.

They started to yell again. "Where are my manners I'm....". "Mated". TaeHyung said while pushing Jin out the way. "I'm TaeHyung, 18 years old, not mated like my brother here, I'm going to Seoul University for Art and design, I....".

"Have a crazy ass Alpha that will beat you with your own dick". Jin replied and elbowed TaeHyung in his stomach. "Kim SeokJin, yes from the Kim family, handsome, rich, fabulous, diva, willing to be a side chick and second wife, I'm the full package". Jin finished saying. *sighs*.

I locked the brothers in a store somewhere and drag Caesar to talk. He tries to speak but I stop him. "Come". I usher him to come closer to me and he did. I place my hand on his head and say a chant and then black mist starts to leave his body. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?!". Caesar said scared and grabs on a chair.

"That was Imi mist, it controls peoples mind and actions". I said and Caesar looks at me confused. "Ho-how did it?". He mummers. "Your 'right hand' man placed it on you, that's why you were such a dick". I said. Caesar face was replaced with hurt and betrayal.

We ordered some coffee and start a conversation cause I know he had some questions. "Do you know why he did that?". He said and holds his fist tightly. "He loves Hoseok". I said while I sip my coffee. "The fuck! He can't have him, he's mine!". Caesar says with anger. I raise my brow at him.

"Sorry, but I'm not about give Hoseok up". He says with confidence. I smile at him. "Echo knew that, that's why he did this, he made you act like a dick so Hoseok will hate you and come crawling to him". I said. Caesar starts to laugh. "That weak bitch, thinks he can take what's mine, how pathetic". He continues to laugh. I sip my coffee and watch him.

Caesar's laughs dies down and he gets serious. "Jimin can I ask you for some favors?". I nod. "One will you help me kill Echo and two can you tell me where Hoseok is?". He ask me. "I will not help you kill Echo because Brock will want to when you tell him and he's at burger point". I tell him.

"But before you leave you have to answer my questions". I said. "I own you that much". He chuckles. "One who are you really cause my friends almost killed each other, two where did you meet Echo and three what are you?".

Caesar eyes widen at that question. He laughs. "What are you talking about?". He said and rubs his neck. "I'm the Goddess of the mystics". I flat out said and Caesar bows to me almost instantly. "Forgive me for everything I did to you Goddess". I chuckled.

"Rise Caesar, it wasn't your fault, now answer my questions". I said. He nods. "I'm a model and a actor". He says. They almost killed themselves for him cause of that?. I laugh. They are so cute.

Caesar takes a deep breath and continues. "I met Echo when I first moved to Jeju island, he came up to me and helped me out, we became friends fast... But I always thought something was off with him, he will always be hiding pictures and going to Seoul alot, I thought he had a girlfriend or something there so I left him alone, then I heard some of my men talking about he was stalking some guy since he was 13, I asked him about it but he said it was lie and I believed it like a idiot". Caesar said.

I was confused. Hoseok has one of the smartest wolf out there so how did he not know? Caesar cleared his throat. "And to answer you on what I am, I'm a wolf warrior and the wielder of Hanavis". I look at him in shock. "Your a wolf warrior and a dragon owner, impressive". I was seriously impressed.

Wolf warriors are people that can either fight with the strength of their wolves or they can fight in a werewolf form that's different from regular werewolf. "Yup, my entire family are wolf warriors". He proudly stats. I smile.

After we finish talking, I went to let TaeHyung and Jin out the room. When I opened the door, they pushed me out the way and tackled Caesar again. "We came to a understanding and decided to share you". They both said at the same time. Caesar looks so uncomfortable.

"Can I just sign something please?". He says with discomfort in his voice. "No!". They shouted. I have to help him out. "His mate is Hoseok." I said to the brothers. "Their mates are from the Min pack". I said to Caesar. "Fuck that! Get off me! I ain't messing with that pack!". He pushed them off him and ran.

I laughed but the brothers didn't. "Where's our autograph Jimin?". They say enraged. I look at them and ran.


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