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                   JIMIN'S POV

            After the bloodbath

Young was driving me home after being told by Yoongi to do so. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't scared by the bloodbath that happen in the restaurant, I was just sicken by how ruthless they were to those Alphas in there. Especially Jungkook.

All he did while he killed those Alphas was laugh the entire time. And for those that tried to run away for him got to real bad. I never seen someone move so fast in my life to get something like he did. It was crazy. I shiver and asked Young a question.

"Umm... Young?". I say in a whisper. "Yes Luna?". Luna?!?!. I was shocked when Young replied with that. Young sees this and laughs. "Don't laugh at me". I pouted. "I'm sorry but you seriously think that we didn't notice that you two mated". Young says. I blush.

"Yes?". I said as a question. Young laughs at me again. "Well your wrong Angel and besides your going to be called Luna soon anyway and I wanted to be the first one to call you that". Young said with a smile. "Thank you". I blush while saying.

Out of no where I start to feel sick. Young saw my pale face and stopped the car. "Jimin? what's wrong?". He says with a slight panic. "I don't know". I say while not trying to puke... Oh shit. No no no. "Young I need to go to a pharmacy please". I say while trying not to cry.

"Of course Luna". Young replied and fastly drove off. "ALIVE, I NEED TO GET THERE ALIVE!". I scream cause he was driving to fast. Young says a quick sorry and slowed down.

I ran out the car and into the pharmacy. I pick up a pregnancy test, paid for it and ran to the bathroom. Please please please. I'm silently praying for the results.


"Oh". I said in disappointment. I was actually praying that I was pregnant. I believe that I would make a great mom cause my mom was the best mom on this planet. I sigh. Why was I so nauseous then? Then boom the chaos that happened in the restaurant came back. Yup. I ran into a stall and let out everything.

"Luna!". Young says and starts banging on the door. "Are you ok? Should I take you to a hospital?". Young worriedly says. "No". I whisper. I came out the bathroom and Young rubs my back. "I'm fine, I just wanna go home". I say still sad about the pregnancy results. Young nods and we walk out.

Silence. It was quiet the entire way back to my house. I had my head on the car window and was looking at the rain outside. Rain. Since I didn't cry, Angels wanted to do it for me. "There's a next time". Young suddenly says. "Huh". I whip my head in his direction.

"I saw the test, there's always next time so please don't feel disappointed or sad my Luna". Young's soft voice made me cry. "Ok". I sniffed and Young rubs my leg to comfort me. "Thank you Young". "Your welcome Luna".

As soon as we enter my house I was attacked by my little Princess. "My baby!". I picked her up and gave her a hug and lots of kisses. "Mama missed you too Princess". Flower starts to purr and then hissed at Young. "Bad Flower". I scolded at my Princess. "It's quite alright, she's just protecting you I'm not mad". Young said. And Flower looked at him with shock on her little face.

She pats my arm telling me to let her go and I do and she runs to Young. He chuckles and picks her up. "You have a very beautiful name kitten as expected since your mom is beautiful too". Young kissed her little head and she purrs super sweetly. I laugh then blush realizing that I too was complimented. I love Young thinking to myself and I giggle.

I made Young some food and he leaves. I went to go shower cause I wanted to relax but my doorbell stops me. Did Young forget something? I thought to myself and went to go open the door.... Yeah this isn't Young.

 Yeah this isn't Young

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Who the hell? I was bewildered at this new face but his voice was so damn annoying. "DAMN!". The man said loudly and looks me up and down. "So your Jimin? Damn you look so damn magical fuck, you like threesomes right?". The man says while staring at me. I went to slam the door in his face but his foot got in the way.

"Woah there Princess, that's a tad bit rude don't you think?". The man states. "You need to le...". Wait. I smell something on him. Orange. Hoseok scent? Rage filled my eyes and I grabbed his throat and I threw him into my living room wall and I close my door.

The man groaned in pain. I didn't give a shit. This man has my best friend. I'm going to kill him. The man sees my killing eyes and panics. "Wait wait!!". The man puts his hands up. "Where is he?". I said as calmly as I could but it fails. "I'm Soul's friend!!!". The man says and bows. Soul? Then it came back to me.

Soul told me that he had his friend take care of Hoseok. "Your Caesar?". I ask him. "Yes". The man stands up and dusted himself off. "The Caesar Wu doll face". Caesar winks at me and stuck at his hand which I looked at and gave him a mean look. "Ok then".

"And your here why?". I gave him a ice pack for his head. "Well I'm here too get some more of his things". Caesar says and put the ice pack on his head. "No". I flat out said. Caesar gives me a look. "Why not?". He ask. "Cause if your here then you could have brought him with you so he can get his own things". I sassily said. "And don't give me no dumbass excuse about why he isn't here". I say.

"Wow you are difficult". Caesar shakes his head at me and pulls out a gun. "I'll just get them myself then". He smiles but I laugh. "What's that gonna do?". I asked. "I know what you are Jimin and these bullets will kill you".  I stop not out of fear but in curiosity. "Oh?". I challenged. "What I am Caesar?". I said tilting my head. "Your a fairy wolf aren't you?".

I start to shake trying to hold in my laughter but he must have thought it was in fear cause he laughs. "Now be a doll and do wha...". Bang. A bullet flew from my window and hit Caesar in his stomach.

"Where should I hit you next?".

Omega's love (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now