The soulmate date

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I was finishing my essay for one of my classes cause if I didn't Jin will beat my ass. While I was packing up, the class door was bust open and my friend walks in. "TAE!". He yells. "Yes?". I sigh. "THERE'S A BEAUTIFUL ASS OMEGA OUTSIDE LOOKING FOR YOU!".

Why is he yelling and who is he talking about?. "Who?". I asked. "And don't shout at me?". I added. "Sorry... I don't know but he has blonde hair and he's so smol". He says and I knew it was Jimin. "Thanks". I said and left the room but my friend follows me and starts asking me a million questions about Jimin.

"What's his name? What's his favorite color? What's his favorite season? Does he have a Alpha? What does he like to eat in the morning?". My friend rumbles on and I have enough. "Shut up!". I yell. "Look you can ask him yourself?". I walk off. I walk out the building and see Jimin standing there, while girls, boys and my professors were staring at him.

 I walk out the building and see Jimin standing there, while girls, boys and my professors were staring at him

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"Tae Tae!". Jimin shouts happily and waves at me. I walk over to him with my head down. "Hyung...". I whispered and Jimin hugs me. "Yeah?". Jimin says. "People are staring at you". I told him and jimin chuckles. "Honey, I know, I mean shit I'll stare at me too, I'm the sexiest thing that step foot on this campus, they are just blessed that I'm here and looking this damn good". Jimin said.

I can picture Jin crying proudly right now if he heard that. Unbelievable, the both of them. "Now let's go". Jimin says dragging me off the campus. "Huh?". I said confused. "We're going on a friend date". Jimin pulls me away from the campus.

We enter this big restaurant and I was confused. "Why didn't we go to my brother's restaurant?". I tilted my head. "Cause I'm supposed be working and but I'm here". Jimin says, rubbing his neck. "Hyung you know that...". He cuts me off. "Yup he's going beat my ass". Jimin laughs. "Let's order, I need food". He picks up a menu and hands it to me. I take it and we start ordering food.

While we wait I start talking to Jimin. I want to know about the Goddess side to him. "Just ask me". Jimin says, sipping his tea. "Ok umm... Do you have a wolf?". I ask. "I have two wolves, one for my Goddess side and a regular one". Jimin answered. "Two!?!". I yell out. "Shh... And yes two". Jimin said. "My Goddess wolf name is Aluna and my wolf's name is Yulia". Jin adds. Both of his wolves are girls. That's different.

"Is that it?". Jimin ask and I shook my head. "Does that mean they both protect you?". I asks. "No, only one". Jimin says sadly. "Why?". I said. "Cause my regular wolf got seriously hurt while protecting me and hasn't healed yet I was glad that my Goddess wolf helped her but it's still not enough". Jimin sounded like he wanted to cry, so I hug him. "Thanks". He said. "No problem Chim".

"What happen to your wolf?". I waited till Jimin calmed down to ask him another question. He takes a deep breath and continue. "Both of my wolves have something called heart shield, if someone I love is in danger I can protect them but I have to sacrifice one of my wolves heart to do so and Yulia used hers in order to help me save my mom". Jimin explains.

"So yo-you can died if your goddess wolf sacrifices her heart?". I said and he nods. "NO!". I scream and Jimin looks at me with wide eyes. "Tae...". Jimin said. "I said NO! Don't sacrifice yourself for anyone... Please not even me". I say in tears. I met Jimin a week and half ago but I feel so connected to him.

'I'm not losing him'. I rubbed my eyes and Jimin takes my hand. "I can't promise you anything but I'll try so please stop crying". Jimin gently wipes my tears away. "Ok". I said smiling at him. "Good now let's get our grub on". We laugh and our food arrives.

"Tae, what's your element?". Jimin asks. " It's fire and anything to do with heat". I said. "Heat?". Jimin says. "Yeah, I can control the temperature of anything with heat and I can either raise it, move it somewhere else or make it go haywire". I say and munch on a fry. "That's so cool!". Jimin bounces in his chair. We continue to talk and suddenly we were surrended by middle age Alphas. Oh crap.

I'm in full on panic mode but Jimin. "How's school Tae?". Jimin said and I look at him in disbelief. How can he ask me a question in this situation?. "Well aren't y'all some beautiful omegas". One of the Alphas said while licking his lips. I'm scared. I'm trying not to stop shake but it wasn't working.

"How about we all have fun". Other one said. I want to go home. I heard Jimin sigh and I look at him. "Y'all are a bunch of assholes and y'all have to find some other people to eat y'all out cause I'm a receiver not a eater". Jimin sassed and I giggled loudly.

One of the Alphas then grabbed Jimin's arm. I felt myself get angry. Jimin looks at the Alphas hand, grabs his wrist and crumbles it like it was paper. The Alpha didn't even scream in pain he just falls to the ground. The other Alphas shake in horror. "Take him and dismissed y'all selves". Jimin waved his hand and they leave. He's a fucking bad ass.

Jimin and I were laughing the whole way home because of what happen in the restaurant. "You need to have a chain saying bad ass bitch". I laugh. "I have one, I also have a shirt saying 'never will you ever' and jacket saying 'your missed opportunity'". We laugh. We open the door and let's just say that I want Taeyang's 'love you to death' playing at my funeral.

"So.... Who's dying first?". Jin says, cracking his neck.

Jimin and I pointed to one another and ran for our lives.

Omega's love (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now