Release the parents

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                  YOONGI'S POV

                  YOONGI'S POV

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Jimin and I was snuggled together when we arrived at our pack house. I like saying that. Our pack house. But this beautiful moment didn't last long.

The very next moment, Jimin was taken away from me and I was bitch slap hard and I fell to the ground. "Yoongi!". I heard Jimin yelled my name but someone was already by my side. "You bitch ass weak mini size dick washer fake ass catman, pale white coloring shit eater, WHERE WERE YOU! HAD MY CHILD CRYING! I SHOULD BOIL YOU ALIVE!". Jin was red with fury.

Oh shit. "Namjoon! Young! The floor licker is here and breathing but not for long if y'all don't get him!". Jin yelled in the house.

My men came to greet me.... Or so I thought. "You bitch! Do you know how worried the Luna was! Do you?!?". One yells. "All the Luna did was cry! Your so cold!". Said another. "Blame Jungkook cause he's ass didn't listen". SinGi said. What does my brother have to do with this? And why do they think I got kidnap by choice? I shook my head.

I made my way back to Jimin's side just to get pushed violently to the ground. "With your fake ass". TaeHyung says and started to cling to Jimin. "CHIM CHIM! YOUR OK! I WAS BEYOND WORRIED! MY BITCHASS ALPHA DIDN'T WANT ME TO FIND YOU SO I CUT HIM OFF FROM SEX! I DID GOOD RIGHT!?!". TaeHyung said happily. I'm so sorry Jungkook.

I was dragged by my neck by Jin and he legit threw me in a room and locked it shut. The other two people in the room was his Alpha Namjoon and my second dad Young. "Where were you?". Jin asked me darkly. I sighed. "You might want to seat down". I told him and he sat on Namjoon's lap. I wanted to puke. He did that on purpose. "It's a very weird story".

I told them everything. How Kisen trapped me in some place and told me that I might be a threat to Jimin, how I had this unexplainable darkness inside of me, how I met this darkness and how Jimin helped me get out. I wasn't going to tell them that Jimin is getting stronger, he'll tell them himself. "So you really don't know what you are?". Young asked. "No". I replied weakly. "I agree with Kisen".

What? I turn to him. "What the fuck Namjoon! I though you were on my side!!!". I shouted sadly at him. "I am but I also agree with Kisen". He said looking at me. "Why?". I was hurt. My right hand man and best friend sees me as a monster. He really thinks that I would hurt Jimin.

Yun said he will never do that. "I can see right threw you Yoongi, I'm not agreeing on Kisen's actions or choice of words, I'm agreeing on finding out what you really are Yoongi". Namjoon said.

My heart filled with happiness knowing that he didn't see me as a monster or a threat. "Thank you". I whisper quietly. Namjoon smiles at me. "Your welcome".

Young clears his throat for attention and we look at him. "You meet this darkness, how was that like?". He asked. "I have, he appeared out of nowhere when I was stuck in that place". I told him.

"It was like meeting a melted Halloween costume". Soul said wheezing. Shut the fuck up Soul! "It was weird... But I wasn't all that scared". I said. "And why is that?". Young said. "Because we are one".

I explained the whole conversation I had with this darkness to them and they wasn't shocked gets confused. "You have this darkness in you your whole life, so why did it show itself now?". Namjoon asked me. That surprised me. I never once thought of that. I always felt it, I never saw to until just now. "I don't know". I put me head down. Why did it show itself to me? Why now?

Jin, who was silent the whole time spoke up. "Yeah, I don't give any fucks about any of this". He huffed and crossed him arms. "Babe, what's wrong?". Namjoon said in his ear. "I don't care if he was dead, I want to know if he agreed to what my child said to him before he disappeared?". Jin glared at me. "Umm?". I look at Namjoon and Young for help but they were just as confused as I was.

Jin growled at us. "Men, I tell you, they never fucking listen when we speak". He shakes his head in disbelief. Jin, your a man too... Just more flamboyant then us. "The car conversation, do you all remember now?". He stares at us and we shook our heads. "Oh my god". Jin put his hand on his head. "You two I believe but you Young I had faith in you". Jin said and pointed at me.

"Yoongi... Will you marry my child soon or not?".

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