Meeting the weird wolf

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Jimin's POV

I've been staying with Jin and Taehyung for about three days now and it was so damn entertaining. "I TOLD YOU TO PLAY WITH ASTRO OUTSIDE TAEHYUNG! NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID!". Jin was barking at Taehyung because he was playing catch with Astro in the house and the only thing that caught the ball was a Mario figurine that was in the hallway.

"WHY WAS IT IN THE HALLWAY? YOU HAVE ROOMS TO PLACE IT IN!" Taehyung yelled back. I just looked back and forth between the brothers while Flower was sitting on my lap with her paws on her face. "DON'T YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME BOY! RESPECT ME LITTLE ONE!". Jin screams.

"I WOULDN'T HAVE TO YELL IF YOU LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!". Taehyung shouted. "I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM YOU! I'M OLDER!". Jin growls. "I'M THE BABY YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO KEEP ME HAPPY!". Taehyung shouts and I broke into a laughing fit. They stopped and look at me. They really do love each other don't they.

Jin had a call and left the house. 'Namjoon'. I thought. "He's meeting a Alpha isn't he?". Taehyung asks. "Yup, and don't worry he's a good one I promise". I told him and Tae looks at me with wide eyes. "Huh?". Taehyung said. "Tae please I can sense you, you're scared of Alphas right?". I said. "N-no". Taehyung whispered. "I'm just scared that they might hurt me or break my heart". Taehyung says so quietly that I barely heard him.

"Tae...". I went over to him and hugged him. "If any Alpha scares you or puts their hands on you tell me immediately understood?". I replied. Now I know why Jin is so protective over him. This sweet boy is petrified of Alphas. "Ok". Taehyung says. "Now let's visit my house I need some more things". I said. Taehyung nods his head, picks up Astro and runs to the front door, just to break something. "DAMN IT JIN!".

We arrived to my house and Flower starts hissing. "What's wrong with her?". Taehyung asks. "There's someone in there". I said shaking. Taehyung immediately jumped in front of me and Astro jumped in front of Taehyung. "I'll protect you Goddess, don't worry". Taehyung said.

Tae smiled and I swear I saw his eyes change color. Taehyung and Astro charged into the house and Bam!. "YO WHAT IN THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM KID!". I heard a voice I didn't recognize and ran into the house.

 I heard a voice I didn't recognize and ran into the house

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Yoongi...?. I ran and torn Taehyung from him. "You know him Chim?".  Taehyung's voice got real deep. "Umm yes?". I said questioning myself. "Ok!". Taehyung's cheerful voice came back. He picks up Flower and Astro and ran upstairs. He's weirdly adorable.

My attention was now focus on Yoongi who dyed his hair black. "Soul". He said. "Excuse me?". I said shocked. "You're thinking that I'm Yoongi right? I'm not, I'm his wolf Soul". Soul finished and sat down.

"How did you get in and what do you want?". I glared at him. "Feisty". Soul chuckled. "I walked in cause the door was unlocked and I have something very important to tell you". Soul answered. I'm gonna to died if I don't stop doing that.

"What do you have to tell me?". I asked.  "You're not going to see Yoongi for a while". Souls says and I felt all the air leave my body. "Before you start panicking cause I can see it in your face, I had to lock him away for people's safety as well as his own". Soul explained. "What happen?". I asked. "Sit down and please... Please don't hate or leave Yoongi he really does need you". Soul sounded broken. "I promise".

I had to make Soul some tea. He was nervously shaking the whole time. I give him a small hug to encourage him to speak. "Things got bad after you kicked Hoseok and Yoongi out". Soul beings to speak. "Yoongi was really hurt after that and he thought he lost you for good". Soul said and I said nothing and waited for him to continue. "He didn't lose his mind but his heart".

My heart broke at that sentence. "He then let himself go and Yoongi wasn't Yoongi anymore and I'm sorry to say this Jimin but he attacked Hoseok". Soul looks at me. "Don't worry he's fine I called a friend to help him". Soul said to calm me. "Continue". I spoke up.

"After that he went ballistic, he started killing every Beta he saw". Soul said. "Betas? Why?". I asked confused. "I don't know I thought it was because of Hoseok but I really don't know he tuned me out and I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore, I tried stopping him but he didn't listen to me, so I had to control him... I had too". Soul says devastated.

I, on the other hand was crying my eyes out. I did this. I made him kill those people. All of this was my fault. Soul instantly pulled me in a hug. "I don't blame you Jimin, I don't blame you everything going to be ok I promise you". Soul says and we sat in silence while I cried.

I stopped myself from crying. I can't cry in a time like this, Yoongi needs my help. I sat up and Soul looked at me. "Take me". I said. "Now hang on there Jimin, you're sexy I'll give you that but Yoongi wi...". "Oh god no Soul! I'm mean take me to where Yoongi killed those Betas". I said. "Oh... Boy I knew that". Soul grinned. "But what are you going to do?". Soul asked. "What I do Soul". I giggle and he looks at me weirdly. "Ok?".

I told Taehyung to watch my house and I left with Soul. He brought me to a closed off area with different smells. Betas, blood, and Yoongi scent filled my nose. "Here we are". Soul said gleefully. I walked pass him and saw all the bodies. Breath Jimin don't let it get to you. I took a step forward. And let out a little of my Goddess side.

 And let out a little of my Goddess side

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I started to sing a song and light pours out of my body. All of the Betas started to come back to life. "What the hell?". I hear Soul say behind me. "Jimin, what did you do? What are you?". I say nothing and walk to Soul and place my hand on his cheek. "I can't tell you that now and I'm sorry". I said. "What fo...". I kissed him. I had to erase his memory. "I'm so sorry".

I say to a now sleeping Soul and I walked off.

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